heavy and complex understanding what should be the rule a nation in pursuit of the greatest sum of happiness possible for its inhabitants, all as the result of economic development that results in a wealth of services to the city, surrounded by a climate of peace, both civic and national level, one arrives at think that perhaps one of the work of less free time available, the public officials who hold senior positions as mayors, governors, ministers, etc. and so on up to president of the republic.
Well, that's the image you have, or had the KBULLA as a child. The possibility to experience today that level of innocence is something that is forbidden to children grew and matured in the last 10 years in Venezuela. The current president has broken all records, records that people engaged in the diplomatic world has not been. For example, President Chávez has long been dethroned Pope John Paul II as head of state to more nations of the world have visited. Is the president more hours a week to speak on television (not counting the marathon Sunday) and forced many in national chain. Is the president who has accumulated more days of absence out of Venezuela (more than a year) on the pretext of going out to find and socio-economic agreements for the benefit of the Venezuelan people. And the story is long. The point is, rather, many Venezuelans who asked with real concern is the person who ruled the country since President Chavez seems that is always on tour (for Venezuela or the world) in an endless political campaign.
And those who have been throwing the first pitch at a baseball game as a guest speaker next to Bill Clinton, or playing baseball with Sammy Sosa, or behind closed doors to witness a match between Venezuela and the Inter Milan or trying to kick-start with Maradona and Evo Morales (Evo showed that if you know kicking a ball) at the opening of the Copa America, or trying to manage a backhoe in the interconnection of Metro Los Teques, or that we have been singing in one of its many programs (ie did the Khichner put it in the Latin American Idol 2009?) no stranger to us that any time we come to some their personal stories as a boy in Sabaneta, a cadet at the Military Academy and the like. But what I was not really ready, was to hear him talk about his left domain in the use of text messaging by mobile phone (SMS).
Thursday, 11 used a meeting with his campaign of PUSV, back at the Teatro Municipal de Caracas (work by Guzmán Blanco) to inform Venezuela all going to take this opportunity to address a person, in order that it knew that "he was indeed" with who "chatted". Well, without thinking twice began to tell the events he experienced when receiving a text message wrong. He said things how are you:
-A I Approaching all these little, give over here, give pa'lla, right? looking for trust ... chatting ... with confidence ... I love to chat, I enjoy chatting, my daughters have taught me the great, the Viejon now, my daughters .
"Now, then, is that, well, I answered, I said well, I have a serious problem, can we talk a little while? Yes, of course ...
The story is long, so long that one finds it hard to grasp that the president of a nation directly receive cell phone calls or messages, especially bearing in mind that in the Venezuelan case in particular, the president is always in the crosshairs of the most mulling assassination attempts. But more difficult to understand, that the president says he spent a good time "chat" (I understand that meant, exchanging text messages) with a perfect stranger. More incomprehensible is still that, as the president argued that "the message was shocked," no way and just shortened've checked the phone number is associated with any text. Nor is it clear the urgency of an unknown person known to him, Hugo Chavez, was the person I was "chatting" accidentally. But hey, I said the president, he loves to chat.
What shocked me personally (apart from later see that night as the president interrupted the transmission of the ball game, where he played The Magellan, again for the umpteenth time to tell people, who had to approve an amendment constitutional for him, Hugo Chávez, follow breaking games and secular novels seculorum) was the fact that both for him and for all those suckers that live attached to their humanity, not realizing that end of each speech, with each transmission, with each presidential intervention, it is becoming increasingly clear to Juan Pueblito, that the president does everything but what it is supposed that the people voted for him to do: rule. Who rules in Venezuela as President exchanged cellphone text messages?
comes then to mind an interview I read, many years ago, about the political personality Felipe González, who while he was prime minister of Spain, never was seen at a public event that involves resting, entertainment, or distraction. The interviewee said that Felipe González understood that the average man of the English people was to evaluate or assess their presence in such events, negatively, then no wonder they had chosen him for that was pending and would take care of many problems facing the country and not forgetting to see them.
How far are our politicians (all government and opposition) to understand that their obligation to their constituents (the people) is dedicated and will not rest or time off, while in the country far outweigh the shortcomings of the promises of what now seems little short of farcical comedy.
chat - text messages - sms - presidential task - constitutional amendment - Venezuela
chat - text messages - sms - work Presidential - constitutional amendment - Venezuela
Well, that's the image you have, or had the KBULLA as a child. The possibility to experience today that level of innocence is something that is forbidden to children grew and matured in the last 10 years in Venezuela. The current president has broken all records, records that people engaged in the diplomatic world has not been. For example, President Chávez has long been dethroned Pope John Paul II as head of state to more nations of the world have visited. Is the president more hours a week to speak on television (not counting the marathon Sunday) and forced many in national chain. Is the president who has accumulated more days of absence out of Venezuela (more than a year) on the pretext of going out to find and socio-economic agreements for the benefit of the Venezuelan people. And the story is long. The point is, rather, many Venezuelans who asked with real concern is the person who ruled the country since President Chavez seems that is always on tour (for Venezuela or the world) in an endless political campaign.
And those who have been throwing the first pitch at a baseball game as a guest speaker next to Bill Clinton, or playing baseball with Sammy Sosa, or behind closed doors to witness a match between Venezuela and the Inter Milan or trying to kick-start with Maradona and Evo Morales (Evo showed that if you know kicking a ball) at the opening of the Copa America, or trying to manage a backhoe in the interconnection of Metro Los Teques, or that we have been singing in one of its many programs (ie did the Khichner put it in the Latin American Idol 2009?) no stranger to us that any time we come to some their personal stories as a boy in Sabaneta, a cadet at the Military Academy and the like. But what I was not really ready, was to hear him talk about his left domain in the use of text messaging by mobile phone (SMS).
Thursday, 11 used a meeting with his campaign of PUSV, back at the Teatro Municipal de Caracas (work by Guzmán Blanco) to inform Venezuela all going to take this opportunity to address a person, in order that it knew that "he was indeed" with who "chatted". Well, without thinking twice began to tell the events he experienced when receiving a text message wrong. He said things how are you:
-A I Approaching all these little, give over here, give pa'lla, right? looking for trust ... chatting ... with confidence ... I love to chat, I enjoy chatting, my daughters have taught me the great, the Viejon now, my daughters .
"Now, then, is that, well, I answered, I said well, I have a serious problem, can we talk a little while? Yes, of course ...
The story is long, so long that one finds it hard to grasp that the president of a nation directly receive cell phone calls or messages, especially bearing in mind that in the Venezuelan case in particular, the president is always in the crosshairs of the most mulling assassination attempts. But more difficult to understand, that the president says he spent a good time "chat" (I understand that meant, exchanging text messages) with a perfect stranger. More incomprehensible is still that, as the president argued that "the message was shocked," no way and just shortened've checked the phone number is associated with any text. Nor is it clear the urgency of an unknown person known to him, Hugo Chavez, was the person I was "chatting" accidentally. But hey, I said the president, he loves to chat.
What shocked me personally (apart from later see that night as the president interrupted the transmission of the ball game, where he played The Magellan, again for the umpteenth time to tell people, who had to approve an amendment constitutional for him, Hugo Chávez, follow breaking games and secular novels seculorum) was the fact that both for him and for all those suckers that live attached to their humanity, not realizing that end of each speech, with each transmission, with each presidential intervention, it is becoming increasingly clear to Juan Pueblito, that the president does everything but what it is supposed that the people voted for him to do: rule. Who rules in Venezuela as President exchanged cellphone text messages?
comes then to mind an interview I read, many years ago, about the political personality Felipe González, who while he was prime minister of Spain, never was seen at a public event that involves resting, entertainment, or distraction. The interviewee said that Felipe González understood that the average man of the English people was to evaluate or assess their presence in such events, negatively, then no wonder they had chosen him for that was pending and would take care of many problems facing the country and not forgetting to see them.
How far are our politicians (all government and opposition) to understand that their obligation to their constituents (the people) is dedicated and will not rest or time off, while in the country far outweigh the shortcomings of the promises of what now seems little short of farcical comedy.
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