I do not know for sure when it started, but the experience of everyday life makes me feel that this is a cancer and metastasis is reached. I am not referring to situations like the mob overwhelmed, government corruption or collapse and collapse of basic services, these services must ensure that every state. No. I referring to the anonymous bully who lives among us and makes it extremely unpleasant social life of Venezuelans. This specimen, in the absence of a reaction, from a position of strength and complaints by those affected (all of us) grow and spread unchecked, as the bora or lemna in lakes and reservoirs and unfortunately Venezuelan enjoys and will enjoy good health, while we assume a position of "that's not my problem" or "I just I can not do anything about it."
Many times I've been tempted to write about, but then I think that to make a post to simply present or expose personal situations than it already is a routine in our daily discourse for this Land of Grace, it makes little sense. But the reality is that little or nothing is written about this scourge and at that point, we are also becoming complicit in not reporting what we all know (including the abuser) is an open aggression against the social life and that ultimately may end up with a company with this kind of behavior rather than the exception becomes role model ..
These days, while driving back to work, I was listening to the program or as bald ... and the announcer Pedro Luis Flores had mentioned a situation that had to live with his friend to buy some furniture. The furniture arrived in the wrong color and going to complain and show that even the bill clearly stated the color chosen, the manager of the furniture replied that there was a mistake, but that change the color of the furniture required by the client, entailed an additional cost of the not so distant Bs 900,000, oo of before. Although Pedro Luis Flores did not explain the reason for the surcharge, it was obvious that this was the freight had to pay to bring the right furniture. That is one of the most inexplicable cases of abuse there, as every businessman should be clear that a customer is served a client that will reward such behavior with their loyalty. By contrast, a customer is treated poorly defended with the most dangerous weapon and that there is language. The customer will have treated poorly at work, at home, neighbors, the gossip and anyone who wants to hear ranting for 2 to 3 minutes, the abuse that he suffered in this or that establishment. Common sense moves to think that the rogue traders not only lost a customer, but many other potential customers who will in turn counting, changing, transforming and inflating the original experience. But that is what makes common sense thinking. For some strange reason, many people who know that a particular facility the customer is treated badly, they insist on going to it. Does not sound familiar expression "is that the Venezuelans seem masochistic?
But there are other abuses which are not represented by a legal entity but rather part of what I call the anonymous abuser. The election day polling reaches at 5:50 AM and there were about 15 people ahead of me. Suddenly a man came as about 48 to 50 years old and stood behind me. No or 3 minutes had elapsed and the Lord told me I had to do certain things, but their children were about to arrive and please keep them the job. The truth that you thought the boys could be parking the car or something. As the half hour the character appeared again and saw that their children had not arrived. By this time I had as a 30 or 40 people behind me, and I got to thinking that it was possibly 2 children to come with her mother. No wonder KBULLÍN (now 11 years old) accompanied us to all acts of voting from the Presidential Referendum in 2004, and always standing in line (along with their parents) since before 5 am. The character reappears as at about 7:00 am and gets behind me in line and looks nervous. Suddenly goes and shows me some pictures and tell me those are his children, he have to enter the center (it turned out he was a member of one of the tables) and could not wait any longer. Had not yet separated from the tail when I said, there are. Indeed, passing in front of 150 people or less, got a couple aged between 20 and 24 and were placed in the position of the beloved father, who had actually got up early on the charge that he had to play. Otherwise, I guess I would have done as the couple, late and colearse with the help of an acquaintance you locate in the queue. The boy and the girl joined the row with an air of indifference and lack of feeling of guilt, I suppose, is the product of the gained in the many times they must have done the same. You may not have a college degree yet, but have a PhD resiliency.
As usual, I saw something common, that one of pocotón of people who were behind me, before the appearance of these cherubim paratroopers even say ne for placement within the tail of 2 perfect careerists. And yet the vast majority (like me) was standing in line, the least, as from an hour ago, if not almost 2 hours. Above, the boy struck up a conversation with one of the victims and told her the sacrificial life of his grandfather (an Italian immigrant of the year 50) and was established as a shoemaker in Caracas, and finally had taken root and even died in the city of Puerto Ordaz. The really do not know what part of the training, which gave the child's grandfather (the father of the cherubim) and this in turn to the grandchildren of immigrants, lost values \u200b\u200band sense of shame (I'm sure Italy was the old patriarch) as for the young couple coleados be proud of his grandfather (so far as to make it public) but at the same time be unable to understand that if my grandfather were alive, it is very possible that he did not proud of them felt at that moment. Anyway, this helped me KBULLIN to lecture on the wrong procedure, both the parent pimp, as little children unable dad early, as it always has done in all my KBULLIN electoral events, despite his 11 years.
On Saturday I went with the family to attend the film ORINOKIA. We went to see BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA. As usual, we had to make a queue (for over half an hour) to claim a super-duper popcorn pay, in addition to leave the cash register than the amount of film entries for the purchase of soft drinks, and stop you tequeños counting. When my turn came, I went to the register concerned and in the time I'm being treated, a man appeared as about 36 years in white checkered shirt with black stripes, long sleeves and with the appearance of Italo-Iberian descent and as we do not want the thing, I set aside. The man noticed that I was looking at, so I proceeded to do his little show. He said nothing to me but it was and the clerk greeted like friends. The girl's face and the way he said, showed that it was not. The character adopted a low profile and became the Willi. Feeling uncomfortable about having a smooth side, where it is normal to expect that all the counter becomes free then go to it, I went and said
- And why do not you wait in line like worldwide? A sabrosón what I said, I do not understand what bothers you that I wait here?
Realizing that Luso Hispanic Italian descent (or whatever) had a gaunt face that it is not bouncing a vein '(even though mine is king, such as mattresses) went and said
- What happens is people of which we have long criticized Chavez's behavior and we are desperate because leaves office, but it is our behavior that we are no more than other small Chavez and that's the reason why Chavez is eternal. We all do what we please and there has not nothing happened until we left the country and arrived at Miami airport and that if it is true that we respect the yellow line on the floor, until the customs inspector's ticket is free. Right?
Al sabrosón escaped a smile and lowered his gaze on the counter, obviously, and has traveled abroad knows that if we behave like civilized people, they treat us as we are: about doodles. Annoying situations like this, it would be logical that the film had trained their staff to deal with them. If she had told the "Sukhoi Creole that he not return to the line, she could not continue serving you, such situations would not arise. No need to call security personnel, only empathy, commitment and steadfastness in the conduct by the staff of the cinema.
It was 3:25 when I left the dining area and the movie started at 3:30. When she came to the room 4, I found that people were queuing to enter because the room was not enabled. After about 5 minutes was given access to it, just inside the hallway of the room, blocking the door, was one of the employees of the cinema that was asking to see tickets to people who had their hands full or holding their children or by loading the trays they gave us in return for giving a good amount of money the dining area. The United CINES of ORINOKIA retains the same infrastructure and settlement of any U.S. CINEMAS the rest of Venezuela. That is, there is a large hall and on both sides of the rooms are arranged. To access the corridor must pass a checkpoint where it is obvious that the tickets are requested. In other words, people who were in front of Room 4, necessarily had to pass through to the access control point to the center aisle. Maybe someone who has gone to see another movie, try to see this gratin, but that would be a case in point that must be resolved with a timely process and not bothering and putting in between that the honesty of parents against children. Because our traders appear not to understand is that until there is a glimmer of doubt about it, you can put in between that the reputation of individuals.
Despite the absurdity and unfairness of the situation, it happened again I'm tired of seeing every time there is such a situation, people would stop and gently juggled to show proof of the girl ticket . My turn came, and loudly told him (while KBULLIN impelled to arm the poor Doña KBULLA was that he stopped to show their proof):
"Look Miss, I'm not going to show nothing. This is an abuse. And I showed the ticket where you had to show it, and on top of that put us standing there waiting outside, now is you with that. If you really want to see my ticket, come to the place where I'm going to sit there and show it.
kept going into the room while shouting why the Venezuelan people always have to tratársenos bad businesses. Sadly, no one seconded. Statements were all smiles and silent with the gesture. But no one who came with me, dared to condemn the abuse openly. In other words, they behaved like "lambs going to slaughter."
is because people feel as obliged or committed and behaves like if they were doing a favor to the abuser. As if they understood, that no favor, and if not paying what they paid, had not come up into the hallway between cinemas.
Paradoxically, the display is transmitted a commercial where he condemned the purchase of pirated movies. Maybe if the movie verifications on their part to serve the customer, minimizing possible queuing (it's amazing the number of lockers that are closed, both in the ticketing area and in the catering) making him feel that is welcome and care for the order that should reign in these areas (Doña KBULLA had to stall some ladies sitting behind her, who made several phone calls during the screening) is not necessary to transmit that commercial.
most regrettable is that the situations described are not the exception but the routine. In a commentary carried in this post KIRA, was commenting on an experience he had had a few weeks ago in a setting FARMATODO. Ironically, yesterday I went to go to FARMATODO and I was starting to sign the voucher credit card, the cashier did not wait for her to finish signing and pick up a good number of bags (the purchase was bulky enough so that on Monday Seguros Mercantil would contact me to verify the transaction) but began to serve another customer who, as usual, was not waiting at a safe distance (in FARMATODO no line to set a limit for the holding and if any would be the same) and like the cashier hardly mattered that I was still entangled with vouchers and bags. Of course, this snub of the cashiers FARMATODO is not unique. I must admit that I live in nearly all establishments, including the very Americanized (actually tropicalized) fast foods. I think the only place where I have seen that management has been bothered by train cashiers not to attend the next customer until being served has collected its good are SAO TOME supermarkets. In his book
SELF: Ecology and Catastrophe (1987), the psychologist Manuel Barroso says:
"Marginality as status and profession, involves lack of" self ", denial of their own experience, consciousness, no contact with their needs and lack of personal goals. The marginal lives in the devaluation, cultivates passivity and worships dependence, bitterness and resignation " .
"Marginal is the uprooted, the misfit, which hinders growth, which refuses to be what it is, no expressing their feelings and needs, that changes everything for things, artifacts, to feel loved and connected. Marginal is the one that accepts no boundaries and becomes an invader from the other, who responds to the need of immediate violence and ignores the needs of others and using others as resources, ignoring their own, the lives of contingency, without focusing on the here and now, perhaps the lives of perhaps the suddenly, the case perhaps, maybe, or we'll see. The marginal lives of freak accident, the weather conditions, hereditary diseases, betrayal of friends and social prejudices. Lives in a hurry and confusion, without contact. Predica revolution, but never has undergone its own .
And in his book ESTEEM OF VENEZUELA (1992) presents:
The Venezuelan react to an earthquake, an accident, an event. Immediately becomes solidarity. But freezes to the disrespect, aggression, outrage, the outrage .
If you are flying, "the Venezuelan people" is crossed to rise, they'll stick to stand during the flight and applaud the fall, will stand before the time, a surcharge will be upset if their attention and leave your children are at ease in the corridors ship, without bothering to question whether others also have rights .
And the biggest problem is that we Venezuelans, such as expressed in the back of the first edition of his book SELF ESTEEM OF VENEZUELAN is the lack of a comprehensive education where we are taught to be individuals. That is, knowing how to live in society:
Many times I've been tempted to write about, but then I think that to make a post to simply present or expose personal situations than it already is a routine in our daily discourse for this Land of Grace, it makes little sense. But the reality is that little or nothing is written about this scourge and at that point, we are also becoming complicit in not reporting what we all know (including the abuser) is an open aggression against the social life and that ultimately may end up with a company with this kind of behavior rather than the exception becomes role model ..
These days, while driving back to work, I was listening to the program or as bald ... and the announcer Pedro Luis Flores had mentioned a situation that had to live with his friend to buy some furniture. The furniture arrived in the wrong color and going to complain and show that even the bill clearly stated the color chosen, the manager of the furniture replied that there was a mistake, but that change the color of the furniture required by the client, entailed an additional cost of the not so distant Bs 900,000, oo of before. Although Pedro Luis Flores did not explain the reason for the surcharge, it was obvious that this was the freight had to pay to bring the right furniture. That is one of the most inexplicable cases of abuse there, as every businessman should be clear that a customer is served a client that will reward such behavior with their loyalty. By contrast, a customer is treated poorly defended with the most dangerous weapon and that there is language. The customer will have treated poorly at work, at home, neighbors, the gossip and anyone who wants to hear ranting for 2 to 3 minutes, the abuse that he suffered in this or that establishment. Common sense moves to think that the rogue traders not only lost a customer, but many other potential customers who will in turn counting, changing, transforming and inflating the original experience. But that is what makes common sense thinking. For some strange reason, many people who know that a particular facility the customer is treated badly, they insist on going to it. Does not sound familiar expression "is that the Venezuelans seem masochistic?
But there are other abuses which are not represented by a legal entity but rather part of what I call the anonymous abuser. The election day polling reaches at 5:50 AM and there were about 15 people ahead of me. Suddenly a man came as about 48 to 50 years old and stood behind me. No or 3 minutes had elapsed and the Lord told me I had to do certain things, but their children were about to arrive and please keep them the job. The truth that you thought the boys could be parking the car or something. As the half hour the character appeared again and saw that their children had not arrived. By this time I had as a 30 or 40 people behind me, and I got to thinking that it was possibly 2 children to come with her mother. No wonder KBULLÍN (now 11 years old) accompanied us to all acts of voting from the Presidential Referendum in 2004, and always standing in line (along with their parents) since before 5 am. The character reappears as at about 7:00 am and gets behind me in line and looks nervous. Suddenly goes and shows me some pictures and tell me those are his children, he have to enter the center (it turned out he was a member of one of the tables) and could not wait any longer. Had not yet separated from the tail when I said, there are. Indeed, passing in front of 150 people or less, got a couple aged between 20 and 24 and were placed in the position of the beloved father, who had actually got up early on the charge that he had to play. Otherwise, I guess I would have done as the couple, late and colearse with the help of an acquaintance you locate in the queue. The boy and the girl joined the row with an air of indifference and lack of feeling of guilt, I suppose, is the product of the gained in the many times they must have done the same. You may not have a college degree yet, but have a PhD resiliency.
As usual, I saw something common, that one of pocotón of people who were behind me, before the appearance of these cherubim paratroopers even say ne for placement within the tail of 2 perfect careerists. And yet the vast majority (like me) was standing in line, the least, as from an hour ago, if not almost 2 hours. Above, the boy struck up a conversation with one of the victims and told her the sacrificial life of his grandfather (an Italian immigrant of the year 50) and was established as a shoemaker in Caracas, and finally had taken root and even died in the city of Puerto Ordaz. The really do not know what part of the training, which gave the child's grandfather (the father of the cherubim) and this in turn to the grandchildren of immigrants, lost values \u200b\u200band sense of shame (I'm sure Italy was the old patriarch) as for the young couple coleados be proud of his grandfather (so far as to make it public) but at the same time be unable to understand that if my grandfather were alive, it is very possible that he did not proud of them felt at that moment. Anyway, this helped me KBULLIN to lecture on the wrong procedure, both the parent pimp, as little children unable dad early, as it always has done in all my KBULLIN electoral events, despite his 11 years.
On Saturday I went with the family to attend the film ORINOKIA. We went to see BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA. As usual, we had to make a queue (for over half an hour) to claim a super-duper popcorn pay, in addition to leave the cash register than the amount of film entries for the purchase of soft drinks, and stop you tequeños counting. When my turn came, I went to the register concerned and in the time I'm being treated, a man appeared as about 36 years in white checkered shirt with black stripes, long sleeves and with the appearance of Italo-Iberian descent and as we do not want the thing, I set aside. The man noticed that I was looking at, so I proceeded to do his little show. He said nothing to me but it was and the clerk greeted like friends. The girl's face and the way he said, showed that it was not. The character adopted a low profile and became the Willi. Feeling uncomfortable about having a smooth side, where it is normal to expect that all the counter becomes free then go to it, I went and said
- And why do not you wait in line like worldwide? A sabrosón what I said, I do not understand what bothers you that I wait here?
Realizing that Luso Hispanic Italian descent (or whatever) had a gaunt face that it is not bouncing a vein '(even though mine is king, such as mattresses) went and said
- What happens is people of which we have long criticized Chavez's behavior and we are desperate because leaves office, but it is our behavior that we are no more than other small Chavez and that's the reason why Chavez is eternal. We all do what we please and there has not nothing happened until we left the country and arrived at Miami airport and that if it is true that we respect the yellow line on the floor, until the customs inspector's ticket is free. Right?
Al sabrosón escaped a smile and lowered his gaze on the counter, obviously, and has traveled abroad knows that if we behave like civilized people, they treat us as we are: about doodles. Annoying situations like this, it would be logical that the film had trained their staff to deal with them. If she had told the "Sukhoi Creole that he not return to the line, she could not continue serving you, such situations would not arise. No need to call security personnel, only empathy, commitment and steadfastness in the conduct by the staff of the cinema.
It was 3:25 when I left the dining area and the movie started at 3:30. When she came to the room 4, I found that people were queuing to enter because the room was not enabled. After about 5 minutes was given access to it, just inside the hallway of the room, blocking the door, was one of the employees of the cinema that was asking to see tickets to people who had their hands full or holding their children or by loading the trays they gave us in return for giving a good amount of money the dining area. The United CINES of ORINOKIA retains the same infrastructure and settlement of any U.S. CINEMAS the rest of Venezuela. That is, there is a large hall and on both sides of the rooms are arranged. To access the corridor must pass a checkpoint where it is obvious that the tickets are requested. In other words, people who were in front of Room 4, necessarily had to pass through to the access control point to the center aisle. Maybe someone who has gone to see another movie, try to see this gratin, but that would be a case in point that must be resolved with a timely process and not bothering and putting in between that the honesty of parents against children. Because our traders appear not to understand is that until there is a glimmer of doubt about it, you can put in between that the reputation of individuals.
Despite the absurdity and unfairness of the situation, it happened again I'm tired of seeing every time there is such a situation, people would stop and gently juggled to show proof of the girl ticket . My turn came, and loudly told him (while KBULLIN impelled to arm the poor Doña KBULLA was that he stopped to show their proof):
"Look Miss, I'm not going to show nothing. This is an abuse. And I showed the ticket where you had to show it, and on top of that put us standing there waiting outside, now is you with that. If you really want to see my ticket, come to the place where I'm going to sit there and show it.
kept going into the room while shouting why the Venezuelan people always have to tratársenos bad businesses. Sadly, no one seconded. Statements were all smiles and silent with the gesture. But no one who came with me, dared to condemn the abuse openly. In other words, they behaved like "lambs going to slaughter."
is because people feel as obliged or committed and behaves like if they were doing a favor to the abuser. As if they understood, that no favor, and if not paying what they paid, had not come up into the hallway between cinemas.
Paradoxically, the display is transmitted a commercial where he condemned the purchase of pirated movies. Maybe if the movie verifications on their part to serve the customer, minimizing possible queuing (it's amazing the number of lockers that are closed, both in the ticketing area and in the catering) making him feel that is welcome and care for the order that should reign in these areas (Doña KBULLA had to stall some ladies sitting behind her, who made several phone calls during the screening) is not necessary to transmit that commercial.
most regrettable is that the situations described are not the exception but the routine. In a commentary carried in this post KIRA, was commenting on an experience he had had a few weeks ago in a setting FARMATODO. Ironically, yesterday I went to go to FARMATODO and I was starting to sign the voucher credit card, the cashier did not wait for her to finish signing and pick up a good number of bags (the purchase was bulky enough so that on Monday Seguros Mercantil would contact me to verify the transaction) but began to serve another customer who, as usual, was not waiting at a safe distance (in FARMATODO no line to set a limit for the holding and if any would be the same) and like the cashier hardly mattered that I was still entangled with vouchers and bags. Of course, this snub of the cashiers FARMATODO is not unique. I must admit that I live in nearly all establishments, including the very Americanized (actually tropicalized) fast foods. I think the only place where I have seen that management has been bothered by train cashiers not to attend the next customer until being served has collected its good are SAO TOME supermarkets. In his book
SELF: Ecology and Catastrophe (1987), the psychologist Manuel Barroso says:
"Marginality as status and profession, involves lack of" self ", denial of their own experience, consciousness, no contact with their needs and lack of personal goals. The marginal lives in the devaluation, cultivates passivity and worships dependence, bitterness and resignation " .
"Marginal is the uprooted, the misfit, which hinders growth, which refuses to be what it is, no expressing their feelings and needs, that changes everything for things, artifacts, to feel loved and connected. Marginal is the one that accepts no boundaries and becomes an invader from the other, who responds to the need of immediate violence and ignores the needs of others and using others as resources, ignoring their own, the lives of contingency, without focusing on the here and now, perhaps the lives of perhaps the suddenly, the case perhaps, maybe, or we'll see. The marginal lives of freak accident, the weather conditions, hereditary diseases, betrayal of friends and social prejudices. Lives in a hurry and confusion, without contact. Predica revolution, but never has undergone its own .
And in his book ESTEEM OF VENEZUELA (1992) presents:
The Venezuelan react to an earthquake, an accident, an event. Immediately becomes solidarity. But freezes to the disrespect, aggression, outrage, the outrage .
If you are flying, "the Venezuelan people" is crossed to rise, they'll stick to stand during the flight and applaud the fall, will stand before the time, a surcharge will be upset if their attention and leave your children are at ease in the corridors ship, without bothering to question whether others also have rights .
And the biggest problem is that we Venezuelans, such as expressed in the back of the first edition of his book SELF ESTEEM OF VENEZUELAN is the lack of a comprehensive education where we are taught to be individuals. That is, knowing how to live in society:

abuse, abuser, bad attention , bad service, customer service lively Creole Venezuela
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