not just be buried Pope John Paul II when his followers on Earth kicked off the process to achieve his canonization.
Things went so fast that even the Opus Dei, with all its economic and political power, achieved that Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer was canonized only 27 years after his death.
Therefore, the presence of John Paul II in heaven was commented in his customary tenants. One day it so happened that was Juan Pablo II and the Servant of God José Gregorio Hernández. Approaching the first to second, went and said:
"I know you, you are José Gregorio Hernández. Much Venezuelan parishioners have worked to achieve your beatification and subsequent canonization.
"Yes," replied shyly José Gregorio, you see. In this walk since 1920 and no progress is made. Instead you, your Holiness, not end of being among us, and now back on Earth are about to canonize. These things, humbly, I do not understand. Juan Pablo II
nodded and looked thoughtful. Suddenly, a smile lit his face while on his way to José Gregorio and said, "You're
Venezuela, right?
"Yes Father," said José Gregorio humbly.
"That explains everything. Sure your signature.
This imaginary encounter is nothing but a joke that circulated among the Venezuelan presidential recall referendum after 2004 and that can only be understood by those who were subjected to what history will surely record as one of the most infamous government in the XXI century. Action comparable only to the list of deportation of the Jewish people into concentration camps of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, Birkenau, etc. Building
absolute power of President Chavez he ordered a review all the signatures were filed with the National Electoral Council (CNE) since doubted the veracity of them. With this trick I was looking for delaying the referendum process to gain time and prepare a contingency plan to gain sympathy and support among the people. Thus originated the missions. The first was the literacy program called Mission Robinson, which had the attraction of a monthly payment of $ 100. The reality is that the grant (as they called him) was paid in Bolivars (Bs 160,000, oo to the change of time) but being a consummate manipulator of the media and the emotions of people, selling the false idea that being paid in dollars. Then came the food sales in makeshift houses called MERCAL. These foods were exempt from payment of VAT, business premises, payment of electricity, enjoyed exemption from municipal taxes, income taxes and also had a staff worker without an annoying and costly collective agreement. All this translated into the feasibility of selling at a lower price than the supermarkets. Never mind that the products appear sporadically, or that she had to make a short queue for hours and no food storage bags are delivered to eager buyers. The propaganda machine did the rest. A president who Grant had even removed the food and the Food Progam Materno Infantil (PAMI) of the previous government, suddenly (thanks to a "here comes the wolf") remembered his people: the people.
Meanwhile, a deputy Luis Tascon go down in history by the back door, creating an ignominious list of names, identification and other data on those who make use of mechanism contemplated in our Constitution had signed the recall process to enable the office of President of the Republic. Using
which means it must have been a information personal and secret, were dismissed from the government thousands of people, contrary to articles of our Constitution as Article 87 and Article 93 . Scholars and students in internship status in the basic state, lost the scholarship and were abruptly interrupted his internship. All of this raid was conducted in an open and despite having been condemned in international forums, it was not possible to stop it. In fact, it is still valid, since anyone who signed and did not withdraw his signature on the presidential recall process, you can choose a work in any other state agencies and companies of the same.
And despite flagrantly violating Article 25 of our Constitution , Deputy Tascon not only good health, but also gives space programs view the channels that the government and the actual Tascón have qualified and are eligible for a coup.
Now, when the President urged to proceed with the collection of signatures needed to promote personal amendment of the Constitution, so that it can be reelected once the current period, old ghosts reappear I see that many assumed that never more would see.
I can imagine, urging the employees of the government, PDVSA, CANTV, EDC, Sidor and CVG other group companies, to be affixed his initials on the payrolls of the amendment request. Paradoxically Tascon List will resurface, but this time backwards. Who does not appear in it, will be prosecuted and branded a traitor, unpatriotic and other epithets revolutionary limited vocabulary.
only thing the government should keep in mind is that not everyone who is inscribed in a document or organization indeed partakes of the same precepts.
Things went so fast that even the Opus Dei, with all its economic and political power, achieved that Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer was canonized only 27 years after his death.
Therefore, the presence of John Paul II in heaven was commented in his customary tenants. One day it so happened that was Juan Pablo II and the Servant of God José Gregorio Hernández. Approaching the first to second, went and said:
"I know you, you are José Gregorio Hernández. Much Venezuelan parishioners have worked to achieve your beatification and subsequent canonization.
"Yes," replied shyly José Gregorio, you see. In this walk since 1920 and no progress is made. Instead you, your Holiness, not end of being among us, and now back on Earth are about to canonize. These things, humbly, I do not understand. Juan Pablo II
nodded and looked thoughtful. Suddenly, a smile lit his face while on his way to José Gregorio and said, "You're
Venezuela, right?
"Yes Father," said José Gregorio humbly.
"That explains everything. Sure your signature.
This imaginary encounter is nothing but a joke that circulated among the Venezuelan presidential recall referendum after 2004 and that can only be understood by those who were subjected to what history will surely record as one of the most infamous government in the XXI century. Action comparable only to the list of deportation of the Jewish people into concentration camps of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, Birkenau, etc. Building
absolute power of President Chavez he ordered a review all the signatures were filed with the National Electoral Council (CNE) since doubted the veracity of them. With this trick I was looking for delaying the referendum process to gain time and prepare a contingency plan to gain sympathy and support among the people. Thus originated the missions. The first was the literacy program called Mission Robinson, which had the attraction of a monthly payment of $ 100. The reality is that the grant (as they called him) was paid in Bolivars (Bs 160,000, oo to the change of time) but being a consummate manipulator of the media and the emotions of people, selling the false idea that being paid in dollars. Then came the food sales in makeshift houses called MERCAL. These foods were exempt from payment of VAT, business premises, payment of electricity, enjoyed exemption from municipal taxes, income taxes and also had a staff worker without an annoying and costly collective agreement. All this translated into the feasibility of selling at a lower price than the supermarkets. Never mind that the products appear sporadically, or that she had to make a short queue for hours and no food storage bags are delivered to eager buyers. The propaganda machine did the rest. A president who Grant had even removed the food and the Food Progam Materno Infantil (PAMI) of the previous government, suddenly (thanks to a "here comes the wolf") remembered his people: the people.
Meanwhile, a deputy Luis Tascon go down in history by the back door, creating an ignominious list of names, identification and other data on those who make use of mechanism contemplated in our Constitution had signed the recall process to enable the office of President of the Republic. Using
which means it must have been a information personal and secret, were dismissed from the government thousands of people, contrary to articles of our Constitution as Article 87 and Article 93 . Scholars and students in internship status in the basic state, lost the scholarship and were abruptly interrupted his internship. All of this raid was conducted in an open and despite having been condemned in international forums, it was not possible to stop it. In fact, it is still valid, since anyone who signed and did not withdraw his signature on the presidential recall process, you can choose a work in any other state agencies and companies of the same.
And despite flagrantly violating Article 25 of our Constitution , Deputy Tascon not only good health, but also gives space programs view the channels that the government and the actual Tascón have qualified and are eligible for a coup.
Now, when the President urged to proceed with the collection of signatures needed to promote personal amendment of the Constitution, so that it can be reelected once the current period, old ghosts reappear I see that many assumed that never more would see.
I can imagine, urging the employees of the government, PDVSA, CANTV, EDC, Sidor and CVG other group companies, to be affixed his initials on the payrolls of the amendment request. Paradoxically Tascon List will resurface, but this time backwards. Who does not appear in it, will be prosecuted and branded a traitor, unpatriotic and other epithets revolutionary limited vocabulary.
only thing the government should keep in mind is that not everyone who is inscribed in a document or organization indeed partakes of the same precepts.

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