remember reading (or listening in a radio program) the writer Tomas Eloy Martinez speaking about his novel Santa Evita. Eloy Martínez told that in an auditorium where he had to present to promote his novel (I think in Miami) in the audience stood up a girl to complain to the author by the fact that Evita portrayed as a woman of poor who was a cabaret dancer before the wife of Peron. The girl (from Argentina) argued that his family knew Evita since its inception and who was of middle class. To say it was a cabaret, it was a lie invented by opponents and enemies of Peron. Eloy Martínez
He reported that the idolatry that existed for decades in Argentina over the figure of Eva Duarte, was necessary for his followers to come to fake those things in your life that could become a more deadly. In the idealized world of a follower or fan, the hero or heroine has only one set of values much higher than that of other mortals, but it is impossible to have a blemish (however small it may be) which tarnishes the image that the fan is his idol.
Watching on television interviews that were carried out between fans of MICHAEL JACKSON unresolved, caught my attention that they defend, denied, or justified in the most obvious, just play down to the attitudes and behaviors of the now extravagant King of Pop
Customers also were young when the then young Michael Jackson was black (his hits were sold on Long Plays acetate, as yet had invented the CD) we very striking that, like the singer himself, respondents say (with true belief) that the metamorphosis of a black man (African-American like to say the Americans and African descent who like to say are with the "process") to the appearance of "a woman" white, not simply the product of some minor surgery and disease vitiligo or leukoderma . The fact is, MICHAEL JACKSON gradually become (in the eyes of inscrutable lens cameras and video) to be asexual, androgynous and mongrel. Was man, a woman, was white, was black, was young, I was mature, was Adonis?
He reported that the idolatry that existed for decades in Argentina over the figure of Eva Duarte, was necessary for his followers to come to fake those things in your life that could become a more deadly. In the idealized world of a follower or fan, the hero or heroine has only one set of values much higher than that of other mortals, but it is impossible to have a blemish (however small it may be) which tarnishes the image that the fan is his idol.
Watching on television interviews that were carried out between fans of MICHAEL JACKSON unresolved, caught my attention that they defend, denied, or justified in the most obvious, just play down to the attitudes and behaviors of the now extravagant King of Pop
Customers also were young when the then young Michael Jackson was black (his hits were sold on Long Plays acetate, as yet had invented the CD) we very striking that, like the singer himself, respondents say (with true belief) that the metamorphosis of a black man (African-American like to say the Americans and African descent who like to say are with the "process") to the appearance of "a woman" white, not simply the product of some minor surgery and disease vitiligo or leukoderma . The fact is, MICHAEL JACKSON gradually become (in the eyes of inscrutable lens cameras and video) to be asexual, androgynous and mongrel. Was man, a woman, was white, was black, was young, I was mature, was Adonis?
Viewing the photographs, it is clear that until brow that is more pronounced in men, was scraped to soften the faction of that part of the face. Nose, was a caricature which recalls the famous Pekingese dogs. The lips were also thinned and no wrinkles characteristic of a person who already has his half ticket. The hair, apart from straight on end, wearing a jet-black hair reminiscent of the geisha that appear in the commercial dye BIGUENE. The dimple in the chin (with the caricature of nose) would be the only surgery that would recognize the singer.
regard to skin color, its advocates argue that the discoloration is the result of vitiligo and that Michael Jackson does not deny his black manhood. But no articles or photographs that show the progression of the disease. Just one day started aclarársele skin and each presentation was becoming more brown and white. And indeed, I remember that Michael Jackson say he suffered from vitiligo. In addition, all surgery was done, looking for their transformation a white person, with delicate feminine features.
The reality is that the physical change of Michael Jackson went so far as the page FORENSIC ART presents on its website the eventual appearance of Michael Jackson at 45 and 70 years of age.
same thing would newspaper DAILY MAIL , presenting a virtual image of the physical appearance of the King of Pop when turning 50, if he had not done any type of surgery.

As an artist, I think Michael Jackson is to final decades of the twentieth century, which was the King of Rock ELVIS PRESLEY early 50's, until his death in the late 70's: a phenomenon of showbiz!
would die as he lived most of his life, alone in his Neverland mansion, just way Elvis Presley died at Graceland today and things in life, almost at the same time .

And I imagine that after death, MICHAEL JACKSON will make more money than when he was alive, as is the case with THE KING OF ROCK .
Although as explained TOMMY WILLY JONES LEE SMITH in the movie MEN IN BLACK (as he put an old cartridge with the song tracks PROMISED LAND) Elvis did not die ... just returned home .
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