NEW RELEASE The newspaper is a newspaper GUIANA which was released first in 1998 and since then its editorial line has been closely linked to those in power in Bolivar State, leaders of these, which has just the year 1998, have reached their government positions by the famous aircraft carrier Chávez.
therefore unlike any media with an editorial questioning the system path of duty, the newspaper Nueva Prensa de Guayana has been compensated for their identification and / or sympathy for "the process" through a public advertising Government fairly nourished. This has allowed have an enviable cash flow has resulted in the establishment of a modern and robust infrastructure, in addition to having achieved the migration of a lot of newspaper reporters who were already an institution in Puerto Ordaz, when starting a NEW RELEASE make their first steps.
Needless to say, the best-selling newspaper in Ciudad Guayana is NEW RELEASE. With a red page, whose photographs of now invite the reader to remember the famous tabloid crime series and a very good sporting body, the newspaper has a strong position in the first place in the preferences of readers, be the first to disappear from newsstands early in the morning.
However, that does not mean that your content is always the most appropriate fit reality or have an editorial team to check the type of news reported on it and reach all types of readers. NEW RELEASE say that has had a fine sense of smell to address those issues of concern to the bulk of the readers. Thus, in December last year, this was the case of a young woman who allegedly took some pictures in the area and ECOMUSEUM in the sky of those photos appeared an unidentified flying object (UFO) reason why the young lady took the opportunity to take photos at the newspaper. The newspaper, without thinking twice, not only ran a front page photos of the UFO, but also its author (ah, vanity!) Amen to dedicate a story in installments, because apparently the topic was so thick, that could not be treated a single issue, but continued , followed and followed.
In the morning, the newspaper turned to shake the foundations of the peace of mind of its readers by publishing in the middle of its first page the title: SHOCKING IMAGES TAKE PASSENGERS INSIDE THE AIRBUS BEFORE DYING. In the lower headband that title referred the reader to page A-8 for more information.
therefore unlike any media with an editorial questioning the system path of duty, the newspaper Nueva Prensa de Guayana has been compensated for their identification and / or sympathy for "the process" through a public advertising Government fairly nourished. This has allowed have an enviable cash flow has resulted in the establishment of a modern and robust infrastructure, in addition to having achieved the migration of a lot of newspaper reporters who were already an institution in Puerto Ordaz, when starting a NEW RELEASE make their first steps.
Needless to say, the best-selling newspaper in Ciudad Guayana is NEW RELEASE. With a red page, whose photographs of now invite the reader to remember the famous tabloid crime series and a very good sporting body, the newspaper has a strong position in the first place in the preferences of readers, be the first to disappear from newsstands early in the morning.
However, that does not mean that your content is always the most appropriate fit reality or have an editorial team to check the type of news reported on it and reach all types of readers. NEW RELEASE say that has had a fine sense of smell to address those issues of concern to the bulk of the readers. Thus, in December last year, this was the case of a young woman who allegedly took some pictures in the area and ECOMUSEUM in the sky of those photos appeared an unidentified flying object (UFO) reason why the young lady took the opportunity to take photos at the newspaper. The newspaper, without thinking twice, not only ran a front page photos of the UFO, but also its author (ah, vanity!) Amen to dedicate a story in installments, because apparently the topic was so thick, that could not be treated a single issue, but continued , followed and followed.
In the morning, the newspaper turned to shake the foundations of the peace of mind of its readers by publishing in the middle of its first page the title: SHOCKING IMAGES TAKE PASSENGERS INSIDE THE AIRBUS BEFORE DYING. In the lower headband that title referred the reader to page A-8 for more information.
In fact, the title did not impress me at all, because just the day before a secretary of the company I had called him to see the distressing pictures of Airbus. They were the product of a link that another friend had been sent by email and I guess the genius (you can also denominársele vivo, little plane, etc..) Who dared to put it as front page news (in a newspaper should have the north is the search for truth) received the same email address that received the secretary of the company.
When I read the mail text accompanying the photos (the same NEW RELEASE playing on your page A-8) I noticed that stated that it is a collision of 2 aircraft in the sky and had occurred when the jet flew on SAW Hookah in the state of Parana. Additionally, it indicated that it was a B737. Since the tragedy of Air France flight had occurred over the Atlantic Ocean, nobody ever said the drop in the sea were the product of a collision with another aircraft and that it was an Airbus 330 and Boeing 737 not immediately understood that it was a HOAX.
I told the lady to write in GOOGLE www. which is the most famous address of the website that deals with those lies that have been called urban legends. It turned out that it was a double lie, because although he had nothing to do with the Airbus 447 flight AIR FRANCE, the photos also had nothing to do with the tragedy that occurred in HOOKAH SIERRA September year 2006.
The pictures are just pictures taken from one of the first chapters of the television series LOST , when the plane (drawn the mysterious forces that strange island) disintegrates in the air. In fact, the only 2 photos HOAX that travels over the Web, can be seen on the left side of the picture, in the first row of seats, the prisoner KATE AUSTEN, which (as befits any inmate who is transferred on a commercial flight) appears in handcuffs. SNOP also invited to note that the logo on the rudder section is shedding, is for the fictional airline OCEANIC AIRLINES in the TV series.

Perhaps aware that the only thing I was doing this (or this) "Journalist" was nothing more than a crude COPY AND PASTE, the article is unsigned, but is identified as "WRITTEN BY WRITING" and a source quoted the word "agency." Strange
citation to the most popular form WEB: GOOGLE SAN. "
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