There is a joke that, in its occurrence, involves a moral condemnation increasingly widespread. A friend, marveling at the ability of analysis, synthesis and speech of a fellow, he goes and asks: - What you have not thought to embrace a political career?
To which the friend questioned replied: "No. I always liked working.
This, and expressions like politics is the business of those without jobs or I do not interested in politics are now part of many of the arguments that ordinary people express when they play the theme policy. This clear rejection of the common man is merely the product of disappointed by the customary deception has been the victim for breach of promises made in a cheerful ( demagoguery ) for those characters in public life all identify with the word political.
But is it possible that humans can ensure that it is unrelated to political events and that his life will follow the same reason, no matter what the economic structure, legal and social-religious touch you live? The reality is no. Aristotle in his essay on politics gregarious nature made reference to the human being and their ability to express their feelings, desires and ambitions through the voice. The village, commune, town, they were only structures that formed as a result of the interaction of different members who were living within these groups and the positions of power, submission or servitude it took place among its members. Aristotle calls these structures Polis and defines it as the quintessential model of an ideal life of civilized man. Pretending to live outside the Polis was subhuman. Because before you understand the Polis as a territorial extension, Aristotle sees the polis as an account of welfare that integrate harmoniously under one management framework justice, the interests of the individual human being and the State, as the binder and manager of public interest. It's where the word politics is derived.
For modern man politics is the mechanism by which ordinary citizens seeking access to public goods and services through the depiction of the social leaders, leaders of these, all identified simply as political. For the leader (politicians) can achieve this objective, it is necessary to build an ideological framework through which sets the rules and restrictions that allow access to power and from which can be distributed on a fair and equitable, such public goods. This structure is what is known as the institutions or political parties.
What are these public goods and services that citizens expect from their leaders representing? As are all those who have the right of citizens of a country. Among them one can cite:
-Education (School System).
-Health Service (Medical care, social security).
-Public Safety (Policing).
-Social Order (Value and obedience control policy for a peaceful coexistence).
-Justice (Courts and their judges).
-Paz (not belligerence and conscientious objectors)
-Defense (Military or professional force.)
-Environmental Protection (Management of non-renewable resources).
-National (social identification).
-Patriotism (national pride).
-public infrastructure (roads, aqueducts, sewage, public buildings, etc.).
"Redistribution of wealth (tax policy).
-alternation in power (political pluralism, electoral system).
-economic growth (financial guarantees)
-Property (Management and disposal of personal property).
-Transit free country.
-law to travel abroad and return.
-Right to information.
-law to work.
-law to strike.
-right to organize.
-law to the meeting.
-Right to freedom of religion (religious plurality).
How do you ensure that ordinary citizens can access these and other public goods? For through citizen participation. In societies in which the leaders and the decisions they make are the result of a share shy (low) of citizens, the greater the likelihood that the actions taken by elected leaders tend to favor interests private or public interests of small groups, contrary to the spirit of democracy, where the system seeks to satisfy as many people as possible. And how involved a citizen? Then through the voting mechanism. To the extent that the rulers are elected by the greatest number of citizens, the greater the pressure that these voters may exercise for the leader is forced to make collective decisions that are binding to the majority vote and not to an aristocracy or oligarchy .
is therefore important to understand that, depending on the political ideology of the government of the day, access to public goods can be limited restricted or even prohibited. That's why the common man can not define himself as apolitical, it is denying their inclusion and participation of the enjoyment or otherwise of such public goods. Please cite for example that this government have changed the symbols, was delayed when the country's national and even tried to restrict and limit the name we give our children, through the enactment of a law of life brief, and all without that country's citizens could participate or give their opinion. Other changes to the Venezuelan democracy, as a result of the new ideology of the dominant political group, which is the elimination bicameral system in Congress, extending the presidential term from 5 to 6 years and the possibility of immediate reelection of the president. And while these changes are part of an election called to approve the creation of a People's Assembly, the reality is that the abstention rate was large enough to understand that the outcome of these elections does not represent or satisfy the greatest number of people Venezuelan population.
Seeing all this, one can conclude that the participation of the citizen rather than a right, rather than a duty, it is an obligation. How else, tomorrow tell our grandchildren that the world they live, the world they have left a legacy, it is not our responsibility, because we did not get to participate (we had no voice or vote) in major decisions for the future of the country? How do you explain that we prefer to leave to free will the quality of the country who came to the world, rather than trying to straighten or influence its course?
And if the argument is that politicians are nothing but a bunch of liars, manipulative, opportunistic, corrupt, thieves and a long list of amorality and lack of principles and values, I think it is worth bringing up to Scottish philosopher David Hume , who at the beginning of exposure (In 1741) on OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF PARLIAMENT (p. 388) said
"... to develop a system of government and set the various checks and safeguards of the constitution, it must be assumed that all men are a villain and has no other purpose in their actions to self-interest. By this interest we must govern, and with him as a mandatory tool, despite its insatiable greed and ambition, to serve the public good " .
Editorial Ariel, Spain (1988).
-Colomer M., Josep. POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS. Editorial
ARIEL, Spain (2001). 23N
Tags: 23N, 2008 regional elections, gubernatorial, mayoral election , election of Member of the State Authority legislative council, voting 2008 , Venezuela
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