A spam mail that is circulating around the web, has forced me to leave my retreat, during which I have spent in a walking practice zazen sitting on a WII FIT.
was then sitting on the pan that, watching the candle was consumed on the TV screen when an alarm at the PC told me just received an email: you've got mail! I said to myself.
opened my GMAIL and I could see how that was clearly spam. To begin with, used more or less the typical expression of excuse as to "This email has come to you because your email is on the list and ... blah, blah, blah." No I read, I noticed yet in its title: The Witch flies away. Given the political moment that we live, it was clear that this was a SPAM produced in the laboratories of the dirty war the Democratic Party. OBAMA was not enough to be called barracuda SARAH PALIN. Now branded WITCH openly!
Thinking that it was indeed a shock against Palin, I decided to pay attention to the text, only to discover that was wrong. The witch's mail was not Mrs. Palin. The witch was, The Witch of VENEBLOGS. Ie, evil, that sanforizing heart. Had fallen, or rather, had risen from the abysmal depths of Hades to dispense a few letters. Maleficent said, the style of LA LUPE, this, this IS GONE .
Why not LA LUPE OLGA GUILLOT, CELIA CRUZ, VICKY CARR or to Amalia Rodrigues own when express their disgust? Go you to know, but the fact is that Maleficent refers to the disappearance or closure of your blog in such a sad letter, without being very explicit about it. Apart from the use of one of those big words, put in vogue by our top executive representation at the state level (the blog is piiiiiii) Maleficent tells us that the blogosphere has changed, that does not interact as before was to his liking. To understand this sudden disenchantment, it is necessary to find the motivation that led to the Witch to open a blog at the time. And like everything in this life, that's why we have to be sought in its infancy. Although trained as a biologist Maleficent, the reality is that sleep of his life was to become the best horoscopera of Venezuela. Sorry, sorry! I meant astrologer. Yes, walking Maleficent whistles you guessing the future of the world and he took the stone that AZZI ADRIANA be forwarded to him in predicting that Chavez was going to get a speck in the eye, back in 2002. Maleficent knew it too, but not yet Menelaus blogs in Venezuela to make use of such a tool and spread. With this thorn buried in the soul, took the rise of blogs in Venezuela since early 2004 decided to open his blog. Began publishing a series of articles unrelated to that, beginning in 2005, published a series Posts predictions about blogueril environment, which (as any veteran blogger recalls) were not up to expectation. Thereafter, the frequency of its articles was decreasing day by day, because Hermes had hired to take calls from your online payment. And he was not bad. Possessing an extensive vocabulary and a sharp tongue sharp, instantaneous Maleficent horoscopes were a success. So much so that HERMES commissioned to prepare the horoscopes that he had been presenting on TV, since he had no time to invent them, because given the popularity, stroking the unusual idea of \u200b\u200bliving off the state. Sorry! I meant that, interested in serving others (regardless of personal sacrifices that should be incurred to achieve this goal) was to launch the political arena. But as the adage goes, all she gets her pig Saturday, Maleficent was not able to predict people's PUSV was going to cheat on Vargas to HERMES THE ILLUMINATED, reason why he fired her. Someone was to blame for his dismissal is not it? And what better if it's a witch, right? Without his favorite work, not muse and non-profit, evil made him just what that Goch EL said at the time: Maleficent (the fictional character in the Venezuelan blogosphere) is "autosuicido." Ie, pressed the DELETE key blog. Although reliable sources of my highest consideration, I say the horoscopero of capybara BIPOLAR is none other than Maleficent.
was then sitting on the pan that, watching the candle was consumed on the TV screen when an alarm at the PC told me just received an email: you've got mail! I said to myself.
opened my GMAIL and I could see how that was clearly spam. To begin with, used more or less the typical expression of excuse as to "This email has come to you because your email is on the list and ... blah, blah, blah." No I read, I noticed yet in its title: The Witch flies away. Given the political moment that we live, it was clear that this was a SPAM produced in the laboratories of the dirty war the Democratic Party. OBAMA was not enough to be called barracuda SARAH PALIN. Now branded WITCH openly!
Thinking that it was indeed a shock against Palin, I decided to pay attention to the text, only to discover that was wrong. The witch's mail was not Mrs. Palin. The witch was, The Witch of VENEBLOGS. Ie, evil, that sanforizing heart. Had fallen, or rather, had risen from the abysmal depths of Hades to dispense a few letters. Maleficent said, the style of LA LUPE, this, this IS GONE .
Why not LA LUPE OLGA GUILLOT, CELIA CRUZ, VICKY CARR or to Amalia Rodrigues own when express their disgust? Go you to know, but the fact is that Maleficent refers to the disappearance or closure of your blog in such a sad letter, without being very explicit about it. Apart from the use of one of those big words, put in vogue by our top executive representation at the state level (the blog is piiiiiii) Maleficent tells us that the blogosphere has changed, that does not interact as before was to his liking. To understand this sudden disenchantment, it is necessary to find the motivation that led to the Witch to open a blog at the time. And like everything in this life, that's why we have to be sought in its infancy. Although trained as a biologist Maleficent, the reality is that sleep of his life was to become the best horoscopera of Venezuela. Sorry, sorry! I meant astrologer. Yes, walking Maleficent whistles you guessing the future of the world and he took the stone that AZZI ADRIANA be forwarded to him in predicting that Chavez was going to get a speck in the eye, back in 2002. Maleficent knew it too, but not yet Menelaus blogs in Venezuela to make use of such a tool and spread. With this thorn buried in the soul, took the rise of blogs in Venezuela since early 2004 decided to open his blog. Began publishing a series of articles unrelated to that, beginning in 2005, published a series Posts predictions about blogueril environment, which (as any veteran blogger recalls) were not up to expectation. Thereafter, the frequency of its articles was decreasing day by day, because Hermes had hired to take calls from your online payment. And he was not bad. Possessing an extensive vocabulary and a sharp tongue sharp, instantaneous Maleficent horoscopes were a success. So much so that HERMES commissioned to prepare the horoscopes that he had been presenting on TV, since he had no time to invent them, because given the popularity, stroking the unusual idea of \u200b\u200bliving off the state. Sorry! I meant that, interested in serving others (regardless of personal sacrifices that should be incurred to achieve this goal) was to launch the political arena. But as the adage goes, all she gets her pig Saturday, Maleficent was not able to predict people's PUSV was going to cheat on Vargas to HERMES THE ILLUMINATED, reason why he fired her. Someone was to blame for his dismissal is not it? And what better if it's a witch, right? Without his favorite work, not muse and non-profit, evil made him just what that Goch EL said at the time: Maleficent (the fictional character in the Venezuelan blogosphere) is "autosuicido." Ie, pressed the DELETE key blog. Although reliable sources of my highest consideration, I say the horoscopero of capybara BIPOLAR is none other than Maleficent.

His consort, Topocho, no better fate. Mini fan posts (by the thing: the good, if brief, twice good) saw the emergence of not only planted TWITTER stiff competition, but ended up sending your blog to limbo, despite their elimination by Pope Benedict XVI. And given that the limbo does not exist, only God knows where it will become of the Topocho Blog. In addition, the grip of a manic depressive compulsive obsession to avoid spams that come to your blog, developed a script whose level of development reached such an extent that not only eliminated the spam, but anonymous comments, comments from friends and he even prevent him from publishing their own articles, as identified as "dangerous spam." That is, the script rebelled against his creator. As if this were not enough, the anti corruption watch your blog came to a figure such that the binary operation of it produced an excessive heating in the processing units of computers came to connect to your blog, so that no one had visited him in recent months.

All of the above are nothing more than balls and people interested speculation has circulated on the Web and to think that I'm going to pay to promote their propagation in the medium. He obviously does not know me. The real reason for the disappearance of ENCALETADO directory, is that its creators were hired by people to develop the search engine GOOGLE GOOGLE CHROME. Simple as that. And if you do not believe me, I refer to the test. See it for yourself:

As for the character to the right of Topocho, some might think it's EGG, given his Nordic appearance. But no, this is MAGOO . Of course, a misunderstanding in the environment has led blogueril MAGOO think that is a character in 2 x 2 (display type) that reminds us GREAT Lothario in his youth. In fact, some say that MAGOO is the product of a brief affair that had the Cuban bodybuilder Sergio Oliva and Venezuelan singer LILA MORILLO, when together they filmed the movie La Guaira BLACK POWER. Hence that PUMA has managed to bring the antlers with resignation, while the chorus sings that the "children to come with peacock feathers" "cool, that cool, that cool ..." (no comment).

Contrary to what we thought, MAGOO wrote from New York and not from the Place de la paguita CHURCH in Catia, where he says that as a child and played ball ' rubber. The existence of the towers of WORLD TRADE CENTER, enabled him to develop these posts in the Twilight Zone entitled: HEARD IN THE ELEVATOR. With the destruction of them by part of Osama (not to be confused with Obama) was the need to remove such posts as creative. He tried to continue doing the same under the title HEARING ON a bus, but soon filled Chávez of public transport vehicles with soldiers and police to prevent assaults on those units. The passengers were then on the need to walk, given the impossibility of taking a collective packed with law enforcement. Consequently, the muse of inspiration could not be used. Thus (because of Chavez, of course) the magician friend saw the need to close your blog, devoted body and soul to the project GOOGLE CHROME.
As the character of these last pictures, we all thought that was a wizard, it seems that the blogger's real name is actually MARCEL. Surprises come life!

A tribute (my way) to some of those bloggers in 2004, with its adventures and occurrences, led to KBULLA to open your own blog, and unfortunately now have decided to leave the arena.
Tags: witch, witch veneblogs , evil, humor , veneblogs , Topocho , magoo , encaletado , Venezuela
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