October 24 1808, at the corner of Tower Street Cathedral Caracas, appeared the first newspaper printed in the Captaincy General of Venezuela. His name, in accordance with the rules of grammar of the time: the Gazeta de Caracas. It was a weekly that circulated on Friday and consisting of only 4 sheets of 2 columns, where they addressed issues of agriculture, commerce, literature and politics. The policy on which it was, was obviously in support of monarchy, because although the public were invited to participate with personal contributions on education and literature (offering to pay for such assistance) any work or testing was subjected to prior censorship by the colonial government officials. And is that if we go to the dictionary of the Royal Academy the language we see that in colonial Spain "Gazette" was the name that was given to the official government gazette. In fact, the instrument through which the Venezuelan government made a formal public everything that has to do with the actions of the executive (appointments, resolutions, edicts, decrees, enactment of laws, etc.) Is the Official Gazette. As for the origin of the word "gazeta", it seems that the word comes from Venice. They circulated a currency called Gazetta Gazetta and just one was the price of newspapers sold in the powerful city in the sixteenth century was known as The Queen of the Adriatic.

During the creation of the Venezuelan Association of Journalists (AVP) on August 20, 1941, it was decided to choose the 24th of October as National Day of the Journalist in consideration of the appearance of the first issue of Caracas newspaper. It was not until the conclusion of the Fourth Annual Convention of the AVP (held in the city of Valencia in 1964) when it submitted a formal proposal to change that date. The reason for this proposal was based on the fact the date of October 24 while honoring the founding of the Gazeta de Caracas, it was nothing more than the national outreach monarchical government representation on these lands for the time. The idea of \u200b\u200bchange coming from the dungeons of San Carlos in Caracas headquarters, where the journalist Guillermo Garcia Ponce paid prison (along with Pompey, Marquez, Domingo Alberto Rangel, Simon Saez Merida, and Teodoro Petkoff, among others). García Ponce proposed to reschedule the day of the journalist, aligning it with the date of the founding of El Correo del Orinoco, which was founded by the Liberator Simon Bolivar on June 27, 1818. The approval of that date, served well to pay homage to the ideas of freedom of the Father of the Nation, who once llegó a decir: “La imprenta es tan útil como los pertrechos y ella es la artillería del pensamiento”
Dado que la convención se había celebrado entre los días 24 y 26 del mes de julio, y puesto que la nueva fecha propuesta (y aceptada) ya había quedado atrás en el calendario, el día del periodista se celebra por primera vez en la nueva fecha del 27 de junio, el año siguiente de 1965. El 24 de octubre pasó apartir de ese momento a homenajear el día del trabajador gráfico (o de las artes gráficas) ya que independientemente del enfoque político del primer periódico publicado en Caracas, lo cierto es que fue la primera labor de imprenta que oficialmente registra la history of Venezuela.
anecdotes about the Gazeta de Caracas is the fact that printing was used for the publication of this newspaper, had been brought by the Forerunner of our independence, Don Francisco de Miranda. On April 27, 1806 Miranda tried to land in Venezuela on the beaches of Ocumare de la Costa (Aragua State), but was surprised by the English coastguard boats ARGOS and jealousy. The English troops captured the schooners BEE and BACCHUS, plus 57 crew members. Among them were 5 printers and one of them would be sentenced to death along with 9 other crew members detained. On 21 July, the head of typographers, L. MILES HALL was hanged and his body later dismembered, as was the custom of the time. That is why this is considered a U.S. citizen as the first martyr of the press in Venezuela. The presence of these printers was not accidental. In the holds of the ship LEANDER, who managed to escape and where Miranda was, was the printing press through which the precursor had printed his Proclamation and from where he planned to continue promoting their ideas to a population apathetic and conformist (caste comes the greyhound). Miranda achieve land in La Vela de Coro in the early hours of August 03 that year, 1806 and from there will go to Coro, which was deserted. Miranda will end up deciding to leave Venezuela and finally come to Trinidad. Trinidad is where in 1808 and at the request of Captain General of Venezuela Juan de Casas and barriers, seeking to combat the adverse news on the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and instead looking to show the strong resistance to the English people opposed the invading forces, the British negotiated with Matthew Gallagher and Lamb Jaime installation of a printing press in Caracas. Gallagher had acquired the same as the product of an auction of assets of Miranda, which had forced the latter to pay a number of debts incurred during stay on the island. Thus, paradoxically, the press that Miranda had sought in Venezuela for the spread of revolutionary ideas, end up paying for the time their services to the English crown.
Another anecdote is that the wording of the Gazeta de Caracas is left of a young, owner of a talent and that to know English. So great was his erudition, despite having just 28 years old, had been appointed secretary of the office of Captain General. Your name: Andrés Bello. It would be in this same press in which Andrés Bello would use to publish his book on the history of Venezuela from the time of discovery until the year 1810: TIMETABLE AND GUIDE MANUAL UNIVERSAL STRANGER IN VENEZUELA FOR THE YEAR 1810.
To understand the significance of the presence of the press in Venezuela on a date as 1808, suffices to mention the fact that in 1789 the Baron Alexander Von Humboldt expressed surprise that Venezuela did not yet have one. Especially if one takes into account that Mexico had one since 1539, Peru since 1581 and Santa Fe de Bogota (one of the most delayed) since 1785. So the forgotten orphans of the sources of knowledge were the seventeenth century Venezuelan.
Since the Venezuelan Association JOURNALIST was founded in 1941, the year of 2008 should be serving 67 years of its founding. However, the August 23, 1972 the Executive adopted the Law of the Practice of Journalism, so that the AVP disappeared to give way to the creation of the National Association of Journalists. Accordingly, on June 27, the NPC held 36 anniversary. This institution despite his young age and showed signs of wear and exhaustion from long ago in the last 2 years it took over the top of the national headlines for several reasons. The first occurred last year and had to do with the negative, in the award ceremony, became one of its members by refusing to receive an award: the journalist William Echeverría. Echeverría said through a speech , in the act of the award, refusing to receive from the hands of the municipal government of Caracas Metropolitan Journalism Award Nazoa Hannibal. And Hannibal Nazoa may not have been amused by such rudeness, but I'm sure that CARRASCO MATÍAS sarcastic, yes that would have been very funny. This year, after 10 years without electing a new board of directors held elections for the appointment of new officers in the CNP. Perhaps because the CNE was not present, or the terrible "child Bearded " slot machines and lottery OLIVETTI (renamed SMARTMATIC) or simply because people are learning that the promises and speeches full of good intentions nonpregnant , the truth is that government representation saw no light in these elections. As if that were not enough smacks that the government seems to be getting a union to which they felt cornered, this year's Journalist Day, honored with the distinction the Journalist Award 2008, rejected it. Graciela Beltran Carías also disagreed to receive from the hands of a government that she, like many of his colleagues and society, they feel it is not very complimentary to say to the guild. How is it possible that the government has not managed to provide for the eventuality of these slights? Well, if it's any consolation for anything, not even guess, futurist, horoscopero, illuminated (and other esoteric herbs) HERMES, could anticipate electoral fraud which claims to be a victim .
And one, may or may not agree with the attitude of these two prize-winners, but the reality is that the surveys and other distinction in the career of a journalist, can not come from governments. And perhaps it is necessary to do an exercise of introspection and analyze and understand what must be a journalist.
Of the many definitions that one is about the role of the journalist, no doubt (in my opinion) the most successful is one that calls the journalist as a "sounding board." And if we look in the dictionary of the RAE definition of this term so pompous, we find that among the many meanings that has the same, there is one that defines what I believe is the essence of the journalist:
Institution, place or person whose relevance allows you to receive and disseminate news concerning their interests or scope.
In this definition, to discuss relevant , it accommodates both the individual (journalist) and the institution (newspaper, radio, tv). And the journalist and the medium through which it is expressed (or serves) are closely related. The credibility and prestige of each depends on the other. That is, as if it were a relationship of living beings, there is a kind of symbiosis where both of knowing it, benefit. Here, well you can put him to the Socratic method and ask if the journalist Mr. Z is a journalist because he works in the newspaper X, X, or if the newspaper is a great newspaper because it writes the journalist Z. Obviously, in the paper a convergence of ideas that should converge in an editorial and this in turn should follow a code of ethics where they do not underestimate the intelligence of the reader.
Therefore, the journalist must, above all, be the means through which regulated expressed, denounce and protest the people of the street. Journalist can not therefore be the organ of dissemination of government. Although it is difficult to understand or accept, the journalist is to the extent that he understands and knows how to play the role of an opponent (on a goal) to the incumbent government, no matter what the trend of the latter. As a true journalist should be nonpartisan. You can not have mortgaged their conscience to the guidelines issued by the immediate interests of a specific political party. When the reporter uses his pen to justify government actions or throw praise to the greatness of his works, the journalist ceases to be and becomes a caricature of the publisher.
Nobody buys a newspaper to read how well you are doing the government. That is something the man on the street daily lives and feels that, there really does not need anyone take it magnifique. What the man in the street looks when it newspaper in their hands, is a relief valve disposed of their frustrations, their needs and the many shortcomings that accumulates with every passing day. You can see, reading the newspaper, that he is not alone, that there relevant people that is able to channel all those feelings and synthesize them in those 2 or 3 columns available to a journalist, to expose and protest loudly, looking for a better society, a better country.
And that receive government awards of the day, perhaps the situation that occurred in the year 1975 between the then president Carlos Andres Perez and cartoonist Pedro Leon Zapata, representing the shape of the shoe of the moment all those who love to be flattered by the power. Once heard a radio (as I was driving) one of the many interviews that he made the brilliant and incisive Zapata. At one point in the interview, referred Zapata on one occasion he found it absurd or comical situation of being honored by CAP (whom Zapata, like all presidents who have been in power, it was dedicated) and when putting on the award, the gocho Rubio tried to break the ice by saying something like, "Wow
, Pedro León, who would have thought, you being decorated by me.
gocho To which the La Grita, apurose to answer:
"Do not worry, Mr. President, that the smear is mutual.
- the Gazeta de Caracas .
Tags: gazeta , the Gazeta de Caracas, La Gaceta de Caracas , printing, history of printing , Venezuelan association of journalists, national association of journalists , journalism, national journalism award , Venezuela
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