Friday, June 20, 2008

Chains On Tires Big Bear

Un Tren para Todos

all, how they are doing? I hope well, first of all I notice that this is not a warning about a new series or any content related to the manga but it has to do with the actuality of our country, Argentina, I suppose many of you have heard talk about the bullet train project that would go from silver to cordoba Sea with stops in capital and a rosary, a project that would need an investment of 14,000 million dollars , yet emerged a new proposal, the train for all:

Train for all:

* develop a speed of 120 km per hour (three times the average current speed).

* An investment of 3,100 million dollars. Nearly 1,900 million dollars less than the bullet train. (*)

* Projecting 18,000 km of roads reconstructed a new, 7,000 km of track for passenger trains and cargo trains only 11,000 more cargo. Some 300 locomotives, 900 coaches and 15,000 freight wagons.

* Tickets will cost several times less than now costs a passage in micro.

* would come to all areas of the country (Northwest, Northeast, Cuyo, Centro y Patagonia), all major cities and hundreds of people that they would connect with major cities, lowering transport costs and revitalizing regional economies .

* The "Train of all, use domestic technology and the Mercosur within reach of the capabilities of our country.

* The project reinvigorate national rail industry with the construction of wagons, locomotives assembly and parts production, generating employment.

* The Central Bank has reserves of 50,000 million dollars, or you can do without raising a penny of foreign debt. Project South

, has studied the recovery of the five major railway lines for cargo and passengers, totaling about 7,000 km of railways trunk corridors and put another 11,000 to allow us to be together our major regional economies .

With millions of liters of fuel is not squandered the momentum generated in our regional economies and the resulting tax contributions, savings from the lower cost of freight rates, insurance of life by reducing traffic accidents, costs of repairing roads, highways and city streets broken by heavy motor transport units, you can retrieve thousands of miles of first class rail services. Talking

class is to have comfortable coaches, comfortable and at speeds of 120/130 km. per hour, meet the needs of people with far less cost than the passage of a proposed "bullet train" for indefinite amounts of investment.

The initial market provides for the recovery of demand from 1989 levels estimated at 12 million passengers travel average distances of about 500 km, this transport would at least 6,000 million passenger kilometers per year, these levels easily surmountable as measured by the year in which discouraged the use of rail and it would be risky to predict future double that estimate.

This transport requires trains to ship 23,791 10 380,952 passenger cars and buses per year, which concentrated in 220 days and 12 hours represent a release of 142 buses per hour to the roads in the country. Imagine the enhanced flow in holiday times and on routes to tourist destinations, supporting what we say about the reduction in accidents from rail transport.

A passenger train with 10 cars, 3 vans and a 1300 HP locomotive capable of carrying 512 people, would require an equivalent of 16 buses, with engines of 260 HP for the same transport task using 3.2 times more power, logically with higher consumption of fuel.

More power is more consumption, fuel consumption is more liquid, more air pollution and many more lives lost. BASIC RED

(7,000 km)
(speeds between 90 and 120 km) passenger
1) Tucumán, Córdoba, Rosario-Buenos Aires
2) Viedma-Olavarria-Bahía Blanca-Buenos Aires-Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires
3) Mendoza-Buenos Aires
4) Pocitos-JVGonzalez-Avia Terai-Resistance-Tan-Sta. Fe
5) Posadas, Buenos Aires

basic network estimates made with welded rails, 2 (two) steps to the city level by municipalities or districts that wish to operate and finance RED

connection lines and extensions charges

estimated market data from 2006 to 225 million tons estimated
Demand Draft Plan Sur and the sole purpose of example, 32 million tons
core network infrastructure investment attributed to load ... U $ S 720 million investment
tributary branches ........... U $ S 546 million

then with an improved network of 18,000 km - for which they would invest the sum of U $ S 1.246 million

replenishing connections between our regional economies, breaking the isolation of our people inside and creating a demand for jobs allow the return of many citizens who migrated to big cities for lack of opportunities leaving their roots, traditions, families and cultures.

On the core network may move perishable cargo trains and semiperecederas at speeds of between 60 and 90 miles per hour as
Remember that a train with 36 wagons of 42 tons. equivalent to 1500 tonnes transported, for which we are using 50 trucks today of 30 tons. breaking roads, highways and city streets to the mayors and presidents of municipalities are faced with their meager budgets.

A train requires 2 drivers, truck drivers and 2 if a train makes up 50 trucks, 100 drivers ie, which way makes the best use of these resources? Project South

unemployment does not want truckers, wants the truck is used for short and medium distance and will allow truck drivers or owners of their units working hours not exceeding eight hours, the return to home and rest and enjoy your rest, recreation and a normal family life.

That would be the dignity to which aspire and for which their unions should strive to realize the often promised SOCIAL JUSTICE.

(*) The cost of the bullet train will actually be approximately 14,000 million dollars, considering the debt to 30 years. The cost study for ALL TRAIN was made to values \u200b\u200bin 2005. For greater accuracy we recommend reading the book "The Republic, Lost? The train. Analysis and to re-rail project in Argentina. Author: Jorge R. Contestí"

can get more information about the proposal at http: / / Let
signature and work together to The trains are a safe and popular!


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