Saturday, February 7, 2009

Vezon And Kardas For


Best Regards. Receive

Greetings peasants of the Sogamoso comunidadades along the basin of the river towns of Betulia Chucurí and San Vicente de Chucurí and equally from all those who have joined this process throughout the department of Santander Colombia.

The significance and meaning of our territory we understand it in very different ways, so there we have seen our children grow, the crops of cocoa, coffee, fruit and our process as a community and many other relations of solidarity, exchange, cultural and family. We are a village made up of four communities and are a part of history of this territory which today we see avocados to defend against the threat to the mega-project "HYDROELECTRIC SOGAMA" conducted by the company ISAGEN (see Document 1-public utility, ministry and documents City Council 2-San Vicnete of Chucurí )
recognize that it is not easy to cope with the demands of a good resistance work and we want through this small writing, seek the solidarity of many other colleagues in the world who want to share with us a voice of encouragement, analysis on such issues, documents and any action that contributes to our rights as rural community are not violated and that our rivers continue to be for life and not death.
Our only requirement is that you respect our rights as peasants and to respect our environmental heritage of both the mountains of peace like a river and the river Sogamoso Chucurí by ISAGEN and those involved in them.


Really like inhabitants of the Magdalena Medio understand all the potential impact of Hidrosogamoso?
Large hydropower projects continue to occupy a prominent place on the agenda of governments and banks for credit. Much of those displaced by dams that have had join the resettlement plans have not improved their quality of life, or improved their economic situation, on the other hand, those who have not been taken into account in these plans have suffered similar impacts, or have had to migrate to cities to increase the misery.

Sogamoso Hydroelectric Project is located in the northeast, in the Department of Santander, in the Canyon where the river crosses the mountainous Sogamoso de la Paz, 75 km upstream from its confluence with the Rio Magdalena, and 62 km upstream below the confluence of the rivers and Chicamocha Suárez.

involves the construction of a dam to dam the waters of Sogamoso. In total, 4,800 million cubic meters of water would be dammed in a flooded area at the maximum of 6,960 hectares. The project would provide 800 megawatts to the National Grid and an average energy of 4,661 gigawatt-hours per year. Currently updating the environmental impact study in order to modify the environmental permit, issued in May 2002, by Resolution 0476 of the Ministry of Environment.

estimated to implement the dam will be required to relocate a population of 900 people living in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence. In addition, 40 kilometers of roads, 20 kilometers of transmission lines and 11 miles the Pipeline Galán. Additionally, you will need to relocate 7 kilometers of access roads.


There is great fear in terms of transparency and suitability to the real impact of hydroelectric megaprojects. The direct benefits they provide to people are typically reduced to monetary figures for economic quantification, but not recorded in human terms. The uprooting is priceless.
Policies should be formulated so as to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of the community and the government should consider other options for the provision of water and energy. Conflict

Hydropower are not models of clean energy. By flooding and destroying thousands of hectares native vegetation, dams tonnes released to the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

These gases are coming from the decomposition of flooded organic material. Scientists have warned that large dams can have a greater climate impact per unit of energy generated than fossil fuel such as coal
There is no transparency of processes. There

exploring safer alternatives from the environmental point of view is limited
assessment of ecological impacts, social, economic and political
not implement participatory processes for the approval of the project by locals
There is a commitment to ecosystem protection
There is no guarantee of local health protection.
is limited inclusion of environmental and social costs in the economic forecasts of the project.

Main impacts:

Loss of biological diversity, including wildlife and native forest
Decreased local government budget for Altered
roads and increasing transportation costs.
decreased quality of life and self displacement of the population.
New or increased social problems: displacement, prostitution, unmarried mother, drug abuse, aggression and violence, among other
presence or increased health problems (Leishmaniasis, among others)
Impoverishment of the diet
Loss of space recreation and enjoyment of the landscape
decrease or loss of water for human consumption and animal
loss of wetlands, streams and rivers in the region significant

Hidrosogamoso Given that the only mega-project of hydro generation in eastern Colombia is of vital importance and necessity required that Santander community, especially the one located in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the great dam, know firsthand the history and impacts of large dams in the country. At this time the project is in a process of socialization by ISAGEN with affected communities in the municipalities of Betulia, Zapatoca and San Vicente de Chucuri.

The total area of \u200b\u200binfluence of Hidrosogamoso is three times the area flooded. That is, the total area becomes the property of private enterprise is twenty-one thousand four hundred seventeen (21,417) hectares, which will be used for the implementation of works Project, ecological protection area around the reservoir, buffer strip of land located in the upper part of the site's Loyal, Filo de la Paz and the cutlass, unstable areas surrounding the protection zone and outside it, this zone was at the end of the reservoir and resettlement areas for families.
So many of our ancestral lands change ownership and use, the economy, land use, residents will be others. Are we ready for a whole big change? Farewell to the good pasture and river valley soils Chucurí, no more cane, cacao, banana, cassava, corn and fruit, because the fish do while drowned.

Today the project is viable?

Is it justified to flood a valley so fertile as the river Chucuri, relocate hundreds of families who have generated ancestral roots in the area?

What is life?

If you are fifty years? Everything

change what?

Is the community really benefits?

Will we prefer the benefit eco-tourism?

Are we prepared to live a radical change in the future of our economy, culture and collective identity of a whole history of more than a century efforts and struggles?

More information at:

Weekly Special


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