Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Think I Have Thrush And I Have My Period


The just man is one who does not commit any injustice, but that may be unfair not to be.
(Menander of Laodicea)

One of the things that struck me about the double vote of the governor of Anzoátegui State Wiiliam TAREK SAAB in next Sunday's elections past, has been the way the reviewing the national press and set the wrongs done the same.

all media, without exception, focused both critics and censorship of this event, only and exclusively on the figure of WILLIAM SAAB. For some reason, it is obvious that WILLIAM SAAB is not alone in this electoral crime. Is an accomplice and the accomplice is not exactly the power that gives his inauguration as governor. I refer to the president of the table where voted WILLIAM SAAB. Yes, that person (designated by the CNE) that controls the release button or block the famous typewriter OLIVETTI.

Without the participation of this person, WILLIAM SAAB could have turned into a basilisk and their intention to vote had been thwarted. WILLIAM SAAB have tried (and did) enjoy their status as governor to vote a second time, well that such action could have qualified as an outrage against the president of the polling station. But it was not. We all saw on television as proof WILLIAM SAAB breaking election and handed him a member of the polling station due to its proximity, we understand that it was precisely who served as president of the same. WILLIAM SAAB is not removed, but again stopped getting behind the board to vote again and again.

All press and independent writers focus their criticism on the conduct of WILLIAM SAAB, but left in a policy (which is me and willing accomplice) who did not hesitate more than a few seconds (at a delicate gesture of disgust WILLIAM SAAB) to re-release the voting machine to vote again WILLIAM SAAB. Fortunately, WILLIAM SAAB never again encounter the same stone and was victorious in his second attempt. The question of the 68,000 loaches is knowing what would have happened if WILLIAM SAAB had been mistaken for a second time, what the reaction would have been willing to come from the board chairman or chairwoman. Would you have given a third chance? I'm afraid so.

The national press missed a golden opportunity to highlight that the only way a citizen can vote 2 times in a row on the voting machine OLIVETTI, is only possible if the one who controls the release of the machine allows this to happen . WILLIAM SAAB case is a clear example of the anarchy that reigns in many of the country's polling stations, where there is a balance of forces of the different currents policies contained in the electoral event. WILLIAM SAAB both as a person who acted as Deputy Chairman of the polling station, commit a crime. If the national media had devoted a few lines to the strange and pleasing performance of the president of the polling station, arriving if possible (and what is not possible for a professional journalist?) To interview who allowed (by pressing the button that unlocks the machine) to WILLIAM SAAB vote for the second time, I'm sure this would have served as warning to future members and chairpersons of future elections, because no one likes to appear on radio or television news as the person responsible of irregularity.

The Law of Suffrage and Political Participation set out in Title X, Section Two ( of electoral crimes ) in paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article N ° 256 the following:

Article 256. Shall be punished with imprisonment of six (6) months to one (1) year:

8. Who vote twice or more, to impersonate another in their identity, or assume a decedent in the voting;

This is the case of WILLIAM SAAB, as even he admits in his statements voted 2 times if you did not see ...

9. The member or secretary a polling station who refused to sign the tally sheets, or consent to an illegal voting
double or superseded;

This is the case of the person who served as chairman of the board, as it agreed (and provided) WILLIAM SAAB who voted for the second time. In fact, the text of the article is in the plural, as does also responsible to the Secretary of the Electoral Board. Put another way, but who serves as chairman of the board had control of the button, was not during the act of double voting WILLIAM SAAB, any member of the polling station (including the Secretary) protested to live voice because the chairman of the board allowed WILLIAM SAAB return to vote. That is, there was a willful act of omission of their duties by the other members of the Electoral Board. And we all know, ignorance of the law no excuse. All an aporia, but so are the laws of man.

WILLIAM SAAB As such, it is noteworthy that a man who calls himself as a fighter for human rights, especially individual rights, civil and political rights (as he used to say) has not taken advantage of the opportunity to give a civics lesson and proclaim that although the vote printed on the ballot does not match your intention or choice, he respects above all the laws (in this case the electoral laws) and is therefore appropriate to introduce the ballot in the ballot box, much to his regret. May have behaved like a gentleman, he ended up reacting like a jerk. That it sticks, it sticks.

As the CNE, in reviewing the portal's share of the Basic Law of Suffrage and Political Participation, Section II of Title X (where the offenses and penalties election) reviewed articles appearing in the portal as belonging to this Title X (of the sanctioning system) actually belong to the TITLE IX (REVIEW OF EVENTS AND ACTIONS OF THE ELECTORAL BODIES). TITLE X as such, and all articles (from 251 to 265 inclusive) not exist in the portal CNE. Quite a minestrone.

who is curious to see the articles on the electoral crimes, absent on the porch of the CNE (but present in other Web pages) can do clicking here.

By the way, it's the bloopers on the website of the CNE, is hardly new. When I got their chance to review all matters relating to regional elections for the municipalities of Bolivar State, I had to do with stupor that, according to the physical map of the site of the CNE, Venezuela bordered to the south of Bolivar State Colombia.

Then, one gets a cold in the body into thinking that it is precisely these people responsible for monitoring the results of the various elections of us Venezuelans. I say, taking into account the repeated blunders of the people of the CNE could it be that this first partial result on Sunday 15, where said = 54.36% YES 45.63% NO = was reality upside down and these bobolongos was what they were seeing in a mirror? For I am not going to deny the reader who submitted this first partial result (where both integer part and decimal part of a swap rate is the other) not only proved to be the sea of \u200b\u200batypical, but I believe that as the Venezuelan lottery winnings, broke with the laws of probability and statistics.

- constitutional amendment - - - - Venezuela

- constitutional amendment - - - - Venezuela

Tags: electoral crime, constitutional amendment, constitutional reform , presidential reelection, 15f , February 15, Venezuela

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Honeymoom Basket Ideas


I can not cite the source of this anecdote, but I read somewhere and it has become my memory. During the presidential election campaign of 1960 in the U.S., Sen. John F. Kennedy got a car, which was with a group of collaborators, to help cross the street to an old woman waiting at a corner. Returning the car, one of the occupants went to Kennedy and said, "is you do not want to miss a single vote. To which Kennedy replied: - how would you feel if you lose the votes of the state by one vote?

Kennedy learned to use his personal charisma to charm a potential audience of voters and knowing the magic of this device called a television (which invaded the privacy of households) do not hesitate to seek the participation of the stars of the moment (the RAT PACK Sinatra) and challenge your opponent to televised debates. The result was that Kennedy won the election to Republican Richard Nixon, who by then was vice president of administration of Dwight Eisenhower. That

media phenomenon was not lost in the world and much less in Venezuela. If the infrastructure of the country and its young population provided an opportunity to allow a candidate to cross the street to help an old lady, if left over to load and snogging boys. Venezuela, being almost the only country with permanent democracy in the second half of the twentieth century, was used for the testing of large advertisers. Thus the famous Joe Napolitan that led to Kennedy's victory, come to Venezuela to advise adecos in presidential campaigns. Copeyanos could not be less and hired David Garth.

No sold us a proposal, but a product. This was the era in which the choruses and slogans filled the advertising space to address the lack of a message. This is how we heard over and over again in my opinion one that was very long (it was actually a jingle or song) but apparently was effective: "That man did walk, go ahead and give the face. Carlos Andres! " The famous slogan with whistle included that hawkers sold at traffic lights (creating Chelique Sarabia) of " Piiiii-ne-ruuaaa. Correct! ". A Renny Otollina a "Are we clear?" The One "Louis Herrera fix this ". Positivism which was exploited in the name of candidate Jaime Lu adeco nchi YES. The candidate for the MIR Américo Martín (father of actress Maria Alejandra Martin) Hands clean power ". Or the slogan of the candidate Teodoro Petkoff of "Yes we can, we are more" . The astute reader will know now where was that took the name of the party PODEMOS, the former member of MAS, Ismael García. And so we can continue until the last of Rafael Caldera: "Venezuela needs whole Caldera" .

remember seeing a board of the university, an anonymous message which included all the series of empty slogans, but together they formed a great truth:

not the most correct,
with clean hands,
fix this.

What is not a time of political slogans? Well, this is the case that a senator mulatto and above is the middle name of Hussein, who managed to unite around his proposal for U.S. government to ordinary citizens by a catchy and promising: YES WE CAN .

The current confrontation with the approval constitutional amendment, not only was devoid of a pattern effective advertising by the opposition but it will not bother to create the figure of a leader to represent the NO option. As in elections for governors and mayors saw all opposition candidates out to fight for their bananas ... Sorry! I meant seat in the current election process to something as critical as the preservation of the essence that gives meaning to democracy (the rotation), no one dared to say "this is my mouth." He left the burden of getting the message through the NO to the entire population, a group of university students. Why was this done? What was the strategy? Actually I do not know and no politician has taken responsibility for the loss of NO. It argues that the December polls gave a big lead to NO and inexplicably lost that advantage. Well, if it comes to surveys, the truth that I have my reservations . But one thing is obvious, Chavez threw the above amendment, calling itself the people and never tired of shouting every day that the people clamored for the YES. On the other hand there was no party ever made him front. There was nobody who could be invited to discuss what advantage could be for the people that Chavez could again be eligible for a presidential candidate. Clear that Chavez would never have accepted the same, but it would have been an opportunity for the opposition to show one of the many contradictions of monotonous and repetitive speech by Chavez. Which there is an interlocutor that he would refute, Chávez had been forced to abandon its position of an aggressive initiative to have to get defensive. A container that forces him to acknowledge that he (Chavez) is government and no opposition candidate, as has always liked to appear. A container that forced him to change a speech of new promises and take him to have to tell the people what they had done for the country with an income of 700,000 million dollars in its 10-year rule. A container that forces them to be restricted to having to explain to people why it was necessary to amend a constitution that he himself had proposed, designed and approved.

he did have a figure around which drew together the proposed amendment as if it were little positivism that comes with using an optimistic statement (rather than a pessimistic negation) to a proposal. Nothing more, nothing less than Hugo Chavez. The opposition political figure not presented any weight, an image that could speak for and defend the proposal of NO. Said the journalist Joe McGinniss (author of the bestseller , 1968 How to sell a president ) that:

" The audience is moved to the legend, including the living legend, not the mere man. It's the aura that surrounds the wonderful character but the character himself , which attracts followers. Our task is to create this aura. The attention begets attention. People who do not pay attention to something they witnessed in the street, provide and sustain if they see a crowd gathered to witness it. People with sighs movie stars to see them close not because they are inherently more interesting than the neighbor, but because they are a focus of public attention, adulation. Are events, events, institutions, legends, see the legend in the flesh. Something that will tell their neighbors .

The opposition knew he was struggling with a legend (that military coup reduced the 20-second speech in February 1992 and its devastating and shocking "For now our aims were not achieved ") how could then claim that the proposal could be defeated only by going SI programs of local television (Globovisión) or paradoxically elitist now RCTV (and that can only be viewed by cable), leaving the heavy lifting street to the simple stage (when they could make) of university students in about 5 or 6 cities of the country? Is it that people still believe that Caracas Caracas and the rest is forest and snake? Did the media forget that now play the role of opposition, how much responsibility they have in the creation, propagation and maintenance of the legend of good military coup of 1992? Where is the author of "The Revolt of the Angels and mocked her husband in his television program Salas Romer's proposal to provide cable cars or lifts to the barrios of Caracas, as indeed is the case today with MetroCable Medellin in Colombia? Where are all those journalists, broadcasters and other members of our celebrity who got us through the eyes of former lieutenant colonel as a Democrat through and through? Why not take advantage of a situation such as the nerve center of the amendment and mismatch try out the mess? Why not leave the forces in the country to defend the project of NO? Why not show business people came to defend the proposal of NO, as it did when they fought the gag rule, known today as LAW SPRING or when they saw the closure of RCTV was serious? What they did not let? Well, then why do not you reported it? Why, taking advantage the character of idols, did not report the existing benefits? They are coming to the masses, and would like to if many politicians Venezuelans.

course, I will argue that radio spectrum is owned by the government. True, that is why the strategy must be another and had to make a true work of ant and the same should not be left to the students, but all the party machinery that once went to fight for their positions governments and municipalities, should do well to convince the people that had to vote NO and that none of the benefits achieved would disappear, because it was not leaving Chavez, then say no to the amendment referred only thing is you do not have the possibility to send back again in 2013. Does anyone remember that this speech is handled in popular assemblies, which has taken house by house, which has shown how dangerous it can be that a president is continuing in power?

apathy and neglect of the opposition has become so extreme that they no longer care for them easier, to potential voters, the act of voting. For example, for the 2006 presidential elections, the CNE introduced its website data for the table, page and line where it appeared data reader. This information (of obvious support and facilitation to the voting process) was removed for the next elections, without any political forces and NGOs were to complain about it. This time again we Venezuelans to vote blindly. Neither the CNE (the obvious bias can justify certain attitudes and omissions), much less the opposition, saying the Venezuelan worried about how they should vote. That is, what would guarandinga icons appear on the famous arcades when choosing OLIVETTI Juan Bimba your vote. And the opposition can not come to say at this point with no access to know how he voted, because then he would be acknowledging that never, ever participated in the audits of the machines. Since the saying goes: who do not, you do .

know a person who touched it to proselytize for the YES. That person is linked to the coordinator of the Mission Ribas. That person told me that each was required to ensure that voting would take 10 people. Unlike other times, it was not to tell those 10 people who should be at a point where they are going to go get on a bus or minivan to take them to vote. It was going to their own homes and take them to vote. Give them breakfast or lunch if was necessary, financial support in any specific need immediately and bring her back to her home. No money for that, I said the person. That person was the day of voting with cash (I did not say how much) more than 100 cards of Bs 25, oo for calls (although it says he came to spend 26 of them) and 6 Taxis available, which each took Bs 350, oo of STRONG for services rendered that day.

That person assured me in weeks before the event, which in his view if he won the attic. He told me he saw the opposition was, off, no purpose, and resigned. Chavez Rosalind is played in this event. This will count, not only with the command by the other, but the entire infrastructure was created by the government. From PUSV, through the missions, ministries, PDVSA, to the most humble community boards. Súmesele this MERCAL operatives, and other systems PDVAL gifts and someone tell me what I was doing in opposing side to try to counter that vantage point, well known.

I also said that one night at a meeting in a suburb of San Felix, a lady stood up and shouted vehemently and feeling the rest of the group who had to vote for YES, because to do so would lose everything that President Chavez had given them. Would lose the Mercal, the Barrio Adentro mission. It was not them but their children, concluded the lady. This person told me that what most impressed him the lady's intervention was the emotion with which he did. No representatives from the government (low or medium stew) at this meeting. Therefore, the lady was not pretending to curry favor with a government representative. Moreover, it also drove the idea that winning the NO, would happen the same thing has happened in the governorates and municipalities where the opposition has won and where the government has taken away everything she could. That is, they ran the idea of \u200b\u200bwinning the NO, would be Chavez himself who, in retaliation, withdraw the mission and other social services and then what would become of them in the coming years when he still played govern Chavez? Juan Bimba, Juan Pueblito, knows very well that Chavez is not exactly love, but knows it is he who has the power ... and not necessarily that of Grayskull

is obvious that in the same way as in the referendum stalled above the wedge butcher expropriated, this time the wedge of the lady who goes to a neighborhood IN in 2013 and finds that it is now a private clinic, subconsciously reached Juan Bimba. The opposition had no idea how to counter that. Simply said (in addition to other radio and television) that was ridiculous. That where the opposition had won, there were still Chávez services. They forgot that Chavez is sending the wedge and implied that Chávez was gone. Recall that in the wedge displays a calendar with the year 2013. The message was clear: after Chavez, the deluge.

these services may not work as they did at first, but the only thing these people have. Opposition While that could support the work of NGOs like the Rotary Club can be, the Red Cross or to the faith and joy. The reality is that these NGOs dies, while the Venezuelans (without distinction of ideology) as if we had money to promote the various candidates for mayors and governors in every corner of Venezuela. The opposition does not have pictures ready to do work for street, going door to door giving something, instead of going to ask. That's the big difference between government and opposition. There was and will be an advantage by those who hold the government (when it has not been?) But the opposition believes it is enough to report him to unmask the abuser and achieve popularity.

will say that is stupid the idea that if they voted for the NO, would disappear Chavez services given. That person only has to think that all these services were created by Chávez after the activation by JOIN and the Democratic Coordinator, the recall referendum in 2003. That is when Chavez expands as it was possible to approve the activation of the referendum and verification of signatures, all to gain time and to create the apparatus of Mission Robinson and Ribas Mission ($ 100 Scholarship, shouted the President) and the system of pseudo rural medicatura (carried neighborhoods of major cities) called Barrio Adentro. Before the strong position of opposition to shorten the tenure of the president in office (based on artículoN No. 72 of the Bolivarian Constitution of 1999) Chávez people only remember the level of discourse. The opposition, ironically, pushed him to have to focus on helping the forgotten Juan Bimba. Does anyone remember that? No, nor nobody remembers that with a barrel of oil at just over $ 9, before the Chavez government (that of Caldera and chiriperos) provide social services to the poor through of scholarship, the food allowance, the PAMI maternal and child nutrition program (for pregnant and breastfeeding) Day Care Homes (a nursery in a house of a neighbor's own neighborhood, for mothers who work could do quiet) the glass of milk at school, school uniform, the student ticket, the ticket basket food (to prevent the man spends all his salary on liquor.) All this service most in need existed before Chavez rescued from oblivion in which he had left it and renamed it with the figure of Missions. Does anyone remember? Nobody, not even the opposition. Well I've ever seen who has brought collation at any given time. The Venezuelan is ungrateful and short memory. Knows that the opposition AD-COPEI and no reason for the new opposition from UNT, FIRST JUSTICE, etc. the unknown.

A young man I know, and who served in the battalion of forest in the area of \u200b\u200bCararabo apureña and therefore not very fond of everything that reminds you of a military uniform, has no problem in acknowledging that in his village of Uracoa every month people from the government arrives with bags of food for the villagers (the topography and the remoteness of the place does not allow the presence of a MERCAL) and the delta fishermen have given up outboard motors for their boats or dugouts. Chavez has clearly, he will not be nice or handsome, but has a ticket, and we know what the saying lover kills ticket. How do you combat that a student from a street all you do is chant STUDENTS ... CLAP CLAP CLAP. STUDENTS ... CLAP, CLAP CLAP ? It would be good for our student leaders (starting with simpletons who argued that he was eating Chinese rice) would read and internalize the discourse that in 1928 then also read the bachelor Jovito Villalba. Speech that put him in jail during the bloody, bloody and merciless Gomez's dictatorship, when it finished boldly saying

a woodcutter lost or broke the handle of his ax and replenished as you had the jungle a few days off. Our man humbly suplicóle finally let him take a single branch, to make another handle, promising to march to earn a living elsewhere, that would leave it standing and the oak, fir this and that, we all admired him for his years and foliage. The innocent forest furnished him with new weapons. I felt pretty. Hardly had the ax handle, it was served to deprive the woodcutter his benefactress of their finery. The forest moaned all the time, his own gift was the instrument of her torture.
So should the world: the benefactor is used against it did. I'm tired of saying it. Ingratitude is fashionable.

(Jean de La Fontaine, 1621-1695)

constitution - constitutional amendment - constitutional reform - presidential reelection - - Venezuela

constitution - constitutional amendment - constitutional reform - presidential reelection - - Venezuela

Tags: constitutional amendment, constitutional reform , presidential reelection, 15f , February 15, Venezuela

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Does Is Mean To Dream About White Wolf


The Chavez wants to perpetuate
and I NO, NO

comb floor that I do not want my grandchildren claim that Chavez is able to perpetuate. We

pa 'MERCAL, and go.
PDVAL tail, and I do. Sign

pa 'amendment, and I go and sign.

Let us fill the Bolivar, and filled.

Come and vote if ...

NO, NO, NO, ay Chavez Frias is NOT NO.


The Chavez wants to perpetuate
and I NO, NO

comb floor that I do not want my grandchildren to claim that Chavez is able to perpetuate.

It is not about to expand individual rights and who has stretched to excess.

is to ensure rights of the generations that follow us: our children, nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

We can not be indifferent to this, with the claim that for sure will make our descendants in the future.

To those who argue that the goodness of the president (and the only reason, then another message of no value) should correspond Venezuelans changing nothing more and nothing less than its own charter approved Chávez deputies in 1999 (and that Chávez himself proclaimed as the best constitution of the world) to the exclusive personal use be waived for him and his family (when the December 2, 2007 vote NO to this proposal, camouflaged among many others of real populist) I have only one thing to say:

The right of Hugo Chavez seeks to impose cunning and stubbornness, ends where the right begins grandchildren.

constitution - constitutional amendment - constitutional reform - presidential reelection - Venezuela

constitution - constitutional amendment - - - Venezuela

Tags: constitutional amendment, constitutional reform , presidential reelection, 15f , February 15, Venezuela

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Vezon And Kardas For


Best Regards. Receive

Greetings peasants of the Sogamoso comunidadades along the basin of the river towns of Betulia Chucurí and San Vicente de Chucurí and equally from all those who have joined this process throughout the department of Santander Colombia.

The significance and meaning of our territory we understand it in very different ways, so there we have seen our children grow, the crops of cocoa, coffee, fruit and our process as a community and many other relations of solidarity, exchange, cultural and family. We are a village made up of four communities and are a part of history of this territory which today we see avocados to defend against the threat to the mega-project "HYDROELECTRIC SOGAMA" conducted by the company ISAGEN (see Document 1-public utility, ministry and documents City Council 2-San Vicnete of Chucurí )
recognize that it is not easy to cope with the demands of a good resistance work and we want through this small writing, seek the solidarity of many other colleagues in the world who want to share with us a voice of encouragement, analysis on such issues, documents and any action that contributes to our rights as rural community are not violated and that our rivers continue to be for life and not death.
Our only requirement is that you respect our rights as peasants and to respect our environmental heritage of both the mountains of peace like a river and the river Sogamoso Chucurí by ISAGEN and those involved in them.


Really like inhabitants of the Magdalena Medio understand all the potential impact of Hidrosogamoso?
Large hydropower projects continue to occupy a prominent place on the agenda of governments and banks for credit. Much of those displaced by dams that have had join the resettlement plans have not improved their quality of life, or improved their economic situation, on the other hand, those who have not been taken into account in these plans have suffered similar impacts, or have had to migrate to cities to increase the misery.

Sogamoso Hydroelectric Project is located in the northeast, in the Department of Santander, in the Canyon where the river crosses the mountainous Sogamoso de la Paz, 75 km upstream from its confluence with the Rio Magdalena, and 62 km upstream below the confluence of the rivers and Chicamocha Suárez.

involves the construction of a dam to dam the waters of Sogamoso. In total, 4,800 million cubic meters of water would be dammed in a flooded area at the maximum of 6,960 hectares. The project would provide 800 megawatts to the National Grid and an average energy of 4,661 gigawatt-hours per year. Currently updating the environmental impact study in order to modify the environmental permit, issued in May 2002, by Resolution 0476 of the Ministry of Environment.

estimated to implement the dam will be required to relocate a population of 900 people living in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence. In addition, 40 kilometers of roads, 20 kilometers of transmission lines and 11 miles the Pipeline Galán. Additionally, you will need to relocate 7 kilometers of access roads.


There is great fear in terms of transparency and suitability to the real impact of hydroelectric megaprojects. The direct benefits they provide to people are typically reduced to monetary figures for economic quantification, but not recorded in human terms. The uprooting is priceless.
Policies should be formulated so as to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of the community and the government should consider other options for the provision of water and energy. Conflict

Hydropower are not models of clean energy. By flooding and destroying thousands of hectares native vegetation, dams tonnes released to the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

These gases are coming from the decomposition of flooded organic material. Scientists have warned that large dams can have a greater climate impact per unit of energy generated than fossil fuel such as coal
There is no transparency of processes. There

exploring safer alternatives from the environmental point of view is limited
assessment of ecological impacts, social, economic and political
not implement participatory processes for the approval of the project by locals
There is a commitment to ecosystem protection
There is no guarantee of local health protection.
is limited inclusion of environmental and social costs in the economic forecasts of the project.

Main impacts:

Loss of biological diversity, including wildlife and native forest
Decreased local government budget for Altered
roads and increasing transportation costs.
decreased quality of life and self displacement of the population.
New or increased social problems: displacement, prostitution, unmarried mother, drug abuse, aggression and violence, among other
presence or increased health problems (Leishmaniasis, among others)
Impoverishment of the diet
Loss of space recreation and enjoyment of the landscape
decrease or loss of water for human consumption and animal
loss of wetlands, streams and rivers in the region significant

Hidrosogamoso Given that the only mega-project of hydro generation in eastern Colombia is of vital importance and necessity required that Santander community, especially the one located in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the great dam, know firsthand the history and impacts of large dams in the country. At this time the project is in a process of socialization by ISAGEN with affected communities in the municipalities of Betulia, Zapatoca and San Vicente de Chucuri.

The total area of \u200b\u200binfluence of Hidrosogamoso is three times the area flooded. That is, the total area becomes the property of private enterprise is twenty-one thousand four hundred seventeen (21,417) hectares, which will be used for the implementation of works Project, ecological protection area around the reservoir, buffer strip of land located in the upper part of the site's Loyal, Filo de la Paz and the cutlass, unstable areas surrounding the protection zone and outside it, this zone was at the end of the reservoir and resettlement areas for families.
So many of our ancestral lands change ownership and use, the economy, land use, residents will be others. Are we ready for a whole big change? Farewell to the good pasture and river valley soils Chucurí, no more cane, cacao, banana, cassava, corn and fruit, because the fish do while drowned.

Today the project is viable?

Is it justified to flood a valley so fertile as the river Chucuri, relocate hundreds of families who have generated ancestral roots in the area?

What is life?

If you are fifty years? Everything

change what?

Is the community really benefits?

Will we prefer the benefit eco-tourism?

Are we prepared to live a radical change in the future of our economy, culture and collective identity of a whole history of more than a century efforts and struggles?

More information at:

Weekly Special