THE UNIVERSAL Reading this morning, I found an article Eli Bravo realized where ya all know the level of training they hold, and hold, members of the various bodies, agencies or institutions of the current government. He referred
ELI, the fact he had discovered that the ONIDEX had again changed the immigration form to enter the country and let it be written clearly see the domain, the language of the empire negligible (ie, English) has a personal vernacular that government entity.
argued Eli, who was found with misspelled words in such quantities that he prefers to believe that it is either a license or freedoms that took the writer of the document or that it is a strategy to try to confuse gringos. Very beginning to read the form, the person who only read English than their native language (other than English) will be asking you the number of Passport to instead of passport . Similarly, the student is called estudent instead of student and as such, countless stuffed leg to the point of making a verbatim record of the word "money" by coin instead of currency business language.
remember when President Chavez, speaking of his proverbial word, became an ace on LAGOVEN office building (located in Los Chaguaramos) in the brand new Bolivarian University. At the time of the "inauguration" of the seat (not the building of the decade of the 60) to which reporters were allowed to cover the event protocol (and for which the cards must have identifiers) they found that them appeared rather large letters printed on Univercidad word. Since then, much has been water has flowed under the bridges, to the extent that it was a general view (in front of CADIVI) appear in a mini TV station telling us (with all control and ownership) on the recovering economy rather than recovery thereof. And mercilessly punish the example of a Cervantes, arrived at the press affects the regime. FRONT in the newspaper, printed in Barinas, appeared on the front page of a news story which stated: Venezuela and Bolivia, "paicas" (Sic) most democratic in Latin America. Democratic as we are, nobody is obliged to "already acquired" a moderately acceptable mastery of the rules of spelling.
And if the reader thinks that this is just a brutal disregard for the rules of spelling, please cite the time you could check the National Electoral Council (CNE) I found that he could not give me my getaways to BOA VISTA Brazil, for according to the map showing the portal, Bolivar State bordered on the south COLOMBIA.
is why it is not surprising that the sheet catch Interpol made to data supplied by the Venezuelan government, it appears that the fugitive NIXON MORENO be a person of a mere 34 centimeters tall (0.34 meters) and about 90 kilograms, making it no doubt, in the dwarf World's heaviest that has managed to evade police custody, stationed at the gates of the Papal Nuncio, was stalking the same, 24 hours a day.
ELI, the fact he had discovered that the ONIDEX had again changed the immigration form to enter the country and let it be written clearly see the domain, the language of the empire negligible (ie, English) has a personal vernacular that government entity.
argued Eli, who was found with misspelled words in such quantities that he prefers to believe that it is either a license or freedoms that took the writer of the document or that it is a strategy to try to confuse gringos. Very beginning to read the form, the person who only read English than their native language (other than English) will be asking you the number of Passport to instead of passport . Similarly, the student is called estudent instead of student and as such, countless stuffed leg to the point of making a verbatim record of the word "money" by coin instead of currency business language.
remember when President Chavez, speaking of his proverbial word, became an ace on LAGOVEN office building (located in Los Chaguaramos) in the brand new Bolivarian University. At the time of the "inauguration" of the seat (not the building of the decade of the 60) to which reporters were allowed to cover the event protocol (and for which the cards must have identifiers) they found that them appeared rather large letters printed on Univercidad word. Since then, much has been water has flowed under the bridges, to the extent that it was a general view (in front of CADIVI) appear in a mini TV station telling us (with all control and ownership) on the recovering economy rather than recovery thereof. And mercilessly punish the example of a Cervantes, arrived at the press affects the regime. FRONT in the newspaper, printed in Barinas, appeared on the front page of a news story which stated: Venezuela and Bolivia, "paicas" (Sic) most democratic in Latin America. Democratic as we are, nobody is obliged to "already acquired" a moderately acceptable mastery of the rules of spelling.
And if the reader thinks that this is just a brutal disregard for the rules of spelling, please cite the time you could check the National Electoral Council (CNE) I found that he could not give me my getaways to BOA VISTA Brazil, for according to the map showing the portal, Bolivar State bordered on the south COLOMBIA.
is why it is not surprising that the sheet catch Interpol made to data supplied by the Venezuelan government, it appears that the fugitive NIXON MORENO be a person of a mere 34 centimeters tall (0.34 meters) and about 90 kilograms, making it no doubt, in the dwarf World's heaviest that has managed to evade police custody, stationed at the gates of the Papal Nuncio, was stalking the same, 24 hours a day.
Seeing the photo accompanying the review of capture, one gets the impression that the Venezuelan authorities are not interested in actually finding the whereabouts of NIXON MORENO, it is strange indeed that for a character media has been so, he has not received a higher quality photograph to have one hour to reach the authorities of the INTERPOL.
And in fact, is even more strange that Venezuelan authorities have appealed to Interpol, after all the "epithets" that different government ombudsmen from articles in a Rangel to declarations of President Chávez , were led to question the value of Interpol as an international body, once the secretary general of the agency, Ronald Kenneth Noble, the report presented to the world technician on the hard drives of computers of the guerrilla of the FARC, alias Raul Reyes.
Tags: nixon brown, interpol , fugitive , notice network, spelling errors, inaccurate information , Venezuela
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