Thursday, March 26, 2009
How To Open Sample Perfume
March 25, 2009
Environmentalists warn Alto Maipo project consequences of Aes Gener
Environmentalists warn Alto Maipo project consequences of Aes Gener The organizations said that the initiative to be voted on Thursday in the metropolitan Corema "means a mega-intervention in the Maipo river basin that irreversibly alter water system to generate a maximum of 190 Mega Watt average per year and not 530 as the company has sought to assert. "
A group of environmental organizations warned on Wednesday the risks that would lead to approval on Thursday by the Metropolitan Corema, Alto Maipo hydro project of Aes Gener.
Through a public statement said that this initiative will mean a mega-intervention in the Maipo river basin, which irreversibly alter water system to generate a maximum of 190 Mega Watt average per year and not 530 as the company has sought to assert. "
This, they explained, because" believes trasvasijar water from the basin of the rivers Plaster Volcano, Colorado and Maipo through 70 miles of tunnels, leaving dry, ecological flow misnamed - miserable, the northern basin of the rivers Volcano, Plaster and Colorado and drastically reducing the flow of the Maipo River.
The signatories claim that "the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposed Alto Maipo has been plagued by irregularities, including the surprising change of position for deciding key services (especially the DGA, the DOH, CONAF SAG and Seremi of Agriculture), which in principle had been expressed against the proposal. This despite the fact that the company did not make substantial changes to the original project. "
also reported that to the extent that the voting has approached," environmental leaders of our country have been severely attacked by the media eroding the legitimate and necessary defense of the Maipo river basin. Aes Gener This attempt to change the focus of public opinion without giving a clear answer concerning the environmental, social and economic problems that have their project for the RM.
organizations "wish to express our fervent rejection of the act of political and technical ombudsmen on the one hand allow unpresentable negotiations between the community and the company, alongside the environmental qualification process, and otherwise facilitate the technical approval of this project, breaking the law manifestly, as they have in other cases. "
entities that signed the statement are Chile Environment, Sustainable Chile, the Codeff Aisen Codesa, the Citizens' Coalition Aysen Life Reserve, Ecosystems, FIMA, the Terram Foundation, Heinrich Boell Foundation, the Foundation Yendegaia, Patagonia Conservation Foundation and the Institute of Ecology Policy.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hot Pink And Gold Colour
LACK OF LUBE interrupted OPERATIONS Carbonorca
On Friday 30 January, the national press was aware that company Helmerich & Payne left Venezuela for PDVSA will not canceled obligations by more than $ 100 million for six (06) months: H & P LEAVING VENEZUELA
That same January 30, PDVSA reappears (this time in the local press) as the seamless pipe mill TAVSA was about to stop their activities for lack of material that SIDOR supplies (billets) required for the forging of the tubes as they TAVSA SIDOR owes 10 million Bolivars. The union representative interviewed stated that the arrears due to the fact PVDSA owed TAVSA in turn (for the purchase of oil tubes) the amount of $ 42 million: ADVISE ON TEMPORARY CLOSING OF TAVSA
on 06 February the press realizes that there is conflict between the government and Sidor workers who own shares of the steel company. The government argues that it has been able to distribute excess cash, for the last 2 fiscal quarters has produced losses. Location paradoxical for a government that supposedly nationalized the steel to save it from mismanagement and exploitation of workers by the Techint Group: ACCOUNTS HURT
With the title ALUMINUM IN THERAPY national press was aware of the situation bankruptcy of enterprises Carbonorca, BAUXILUM, VENALUM and ALCASA, each with specific symptoms, but all is present overstaffed, the distraction of money into campaign activities of government as well as a great technological obsolescence and a debt of over 370 million dollars with suppliers and contractors who no longer have to do to remove the Turkish ago: ALUMINUM IN THERAPY
The Tuesday 03 March, the national press was aware that several hundred workers had gone to the Labour Inspectorate of Maturin to enter a conflicting statement it takes months without pay, by the contractors who are at the forefront of drilling rigs: stop DRILLS
March 12 regional newspapers in Guiana realized that the third bridge over the Orinoco River that one day join the Orinoco Caicara Cabruta in Guarico state, paralyzed by lack of resources by the State Venezuela. The bridge was allegedly called MERCOSUR would be hanging in the same manner as is Venezuela to be official member of the regional economic body said: HAMSTRINGING THIRD BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION
On Saturday March 14 reported that in LATEST NEWS SLEEVE sector in North St. Augustine's works will step metrocable morrocoy: MetroCable WORKS IN THE HOSE VAN very slow
The fact is, that reading the newspaper's own Saturday 14 caught my attention that while in Venezuela to the government itself is silent, knowing that the memory of his subjects, forgiveness, I mean citizens, is volatile and therefore it better be on time and indifference that covered with a thick patina of neglect broken promises, it turned out that the Brazilian company Norberto Odebrecht company with a tremendous shot sent in the national press, whose approach teaching is all about why the Itamaraty Palace has always been taken as an example in Latin America, of what must be the exercise of diplomacy of a country.

Without denying the press, or blame the government, the company Norberto Odebrecht says it's not that they have decided to stop the work, rather then "act after to reach an agreement with the customer. " What happens, what happens (to ear drum) is that they are fully flexible in their work schedules (what the Americans invented to coordinate the thousands of companies who secretly worked for the Manhattan Project and to lie PERT-CPM) and therefore simply "adapt to the availability of resources."
Something like the story of Chinese Laundry: if there is no fair, no Lopa. But that does not mean that China no longer wash or do not want to do, it should be understood that the Chinaman lives just to wash clothes. Obvious, right?
That's why these Brazilian ODEBRECHT rather than lifting and waving flags make war, go and politely tell your big client Venezuela, in the beautiful language of Luís de Camões:
Você não tem "Dinheiro? Não worry, Eu levei uma pause.
One is reading and these Brazilians (who should have been sitting in the famous Negotiation and agreements, coordinating government-democratic, rather than the secretary of the OAS, César Gaviria) clarify that they have not fired any workers. NO, no, no. What happens, what happens (eye, eye) is that some workers completed the work for which they were engaged ... and they are not making new hires. Go you to know why they have not gone out to these workers chamba ended unfinished works contracts.
III And if the famous Bridge over the Orinoco River, returning again to use the word "available" to dry, without going into Honduras and explain what the hell is what we need to have. Total
, you read this exquisite synthesis of the situation that exists between the business group Norberto Odebrecht and the government of Hugo Chávez, I remember I read somewhere once:
Because, while the Brazilian construction company assumes for himself the defense of the Venezuelan government's economic debacle, the print media summarized that PDVSA will stick down, the government not only is selling grandma's jewels but also the future jewels of the sons of the Fatherland .
But not all bad news. No. Remember that the XXI century socialism ensures that we are shielded from the crisis in countries that govern their economic and social life under the aegis of "savage capitalism." And what better example of this capitalist economy, the country the original area construction company Norberto Odebrecht. Let's see. In Brazil the government intervenes to prop private enterprise and so cope with the global crisis. The government is seeking aid with private companies to increase or create more jobs. And if it is Petrobras, the Brazilian company enjoys a level of health that they get sick PDVSA.
It is evident that, being in the forest (Venezuela) the company Norberto Odebrecht analyzes the situation to see a small group of trees (commercial interests) and fails to see the depths of the forest (the fragile economic health of the country) . Perhaps if you put out a little to see the forest (their works are not the only things that have economic problems in this country) would have realized that the best diplomatic strategy had to undertake, is summarized in the following quote from Winston Churchill:
Tags: Norberto Odebrecht, sent , denied , statement, work halted economic crisis drills pdvsa Carbonorca Sidor Bauxilum Venalum Alcasa bridge over the Orinoco Caicara Cabruta Guarico Ciudad Guayana, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Poems About Grandma Death
ELI, the fact he had discovered that the ONIDEX had again changed the immigration form to enter the country and let it be written clearly see the domain, the language of the empire negligible (ie, English) has a personal vernacular that government entity.
argued Eli, who was found with misspelled words in such quantities that he prefers to believe that it is either a license or freedoms that took the writer of the document or that it is a strategy to try to confuse gringos. Very beginning to read the form, the person who only read English than their native language (other than English) will be asking you the number of Passport to instead of passport . Similarly, the student is called estudent instead of student and as such, countless stuffed leg to the point of making a verbatim record of the word "money" by coin instead of currency business language.
remember when President Chavez, speaking of his proverbial word, became an ace on LAGOVEN office building (located in Los Chaguaramos) in the brand new Bolivarian University. At the time of the "inauguration" of the seat (not the building of the decade of the 60) to which reporters were allowed to cover the event protocol (and for which the cards must have identifiers) they found that them appeared rather large letters printed on Univercidad word. Since then, much has been water has flowed under the bridges, to the extent that it was a general view (in front of CADIVI) appear in a mini TV station telling us (with all control and ownership) on the recovering economy rather than recovery thereof. And mercilessly punish the example of a Cervantes, arrived at the press affects the regime. FRONT in the newspaper, printed in Barinas, appeared on the front page of a news story which stated: Venezuela and Bolivia, "paicas" (Sic) most democratic in Latin America. Democratic as we are, nobody is obliged to "already acquired" a moderately acceptable mastery of the rules of spelling.
And if the reader thinks that this is just a brutal disregard for the rules of spelling, please cite the time you could check the National Electoral Council (CNE) I found that he could not give me my getaways to BOA VISTA Brazil, for according to the map showing the portal, Bolivar State bordered on the south COLOMBIA.
is why it is not surprising that the sheet catch Interpol made to data supplied by the Venezuelan government, it appears that the fugitive NIXON MORENO be a person of a mere 34 centimeters tall (0.34 meters) and about 90 kilograms, making it no doubt, in the dwarf World's heaviest that has managed to evade police custody, stationed at the gates of the Papal Nuncio, was stalking the same, 24 hours a day.
Seeing the photo accompanying the review of capture, one gets the impression that the Venezuelan authorities are not interested in actually finding the whereabouts of NIXON MORENO, it is strange indeed that for a character media has been so, he has not received a higher quality photograph to have one hour to reach the authorities of the INTERPOL.
And in fact, is even more strange that Venezuelan authorities have appealed to Interpol, after all the "epithets" that different government ombudsmen from articles in a Rangel to declarations of President Chávez , were led to question the value of Interpol as an international body, once the secretary general of the agency, Ronald Kenneth Noble, the report presented to the world technician on the hard drives of computers of the guerrilla of the FARC, alias Raul Reyes.
Tags: nixon brown, interpol , fugitive , notice network, spelling errors, inaccurate information , Venezuela
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tropical Houses Paint
These companies have failed to honor its commitments, not only with suppliers and contractors, but now they are the workers and employees basic business Guayana which are beginning to experience firsthand the negative effects of management and clientelism, governed by a policy entirely divorced from the most basic principles of business management.
leaving the cinema, we decided to dine ALTAVISTA BUSINESS DOWNTOWN 2. The area devoted to food businesses, as well as the variety or alternative food stalls, are undoubtedly the main attraction of this new mall, turning the area ORINOKIA meal in less than a picnic.

When we finished dinner, KBULLIN noticed an advertisement for the shopping center where customers are invited to participate in a raffle for Bs 1,000, oo (one million The December 2007) is performed daily. This is obviously an incentive for the visitor ceases to be and become a customer. That is, consume, buy and who not only walk and see stained glass. Are invited to deposit in a drum, located in the central plaza of the mall, a consumer bill (without limitation or requirement of an amount minimum) and the next night (at 8:00 PM) is the draw which awards are made immediately, since it requires the winner to be present. With this last clause, the person surreptitiously seeking to increase its consumption because of having to attend 2 consecutive days at the mall, it is reasonable that it will make some kind of purchase, whether a simple ice cream or soda.

Since it was 7:20 PM, I agreed to the request of KBULLÍN to attend the draw for that day to kill the louse of curiosity. Given the obvious joy of KBULLÍN, I explain that we could not compete because the rules clearly stated that the bills for the next day involved. Besides, I had made the payment of consumer credit card and would not let go of the bill (along with the voucher from the point of sale) could ever need in case of any disparity in the statement of consumption card. The really do not know how to make those customers, wanting to participate in the contest, can not for the need to keep the invoice for warranty validation of an electronic appliance or purchased at a store in the mall.
struck 8 pm and must be recognized that the lottery started in a timely manner, as indicated on the poster. As in any such event, the moderator tried to be the innocent hand of a child (in this case a girl) that would give transparency and legality in the competition, leaving the Lady Luck as the only responsible for deciding who was the winner. This will save further expenses associated with hiring a lawyer, figure (thanks to the incredible and newspapers Venezuelan lottery results) have not exactly a guarantee of transparency image in any contest that is conducted and is to choose who goes first in a game of dominoes.
began to spin the drum and the announcer said good at first it is first going to make awards that consumption of 60.00 Bs in the area of \u200b\u200bfood from the mall. The fact that the poster does not say anything that is going to give prizes of Bs 60, oo instead of juicy and tempting prize of Bs 1,000, oo. Total to be released a total of 3 bills that were rewarded immediately with domestic consumption of Bs 60, oo as all the winners were present, as it provided one of the clauses of the competition. Finally, the moderator announced that it was time the real reason why all these people were in the central plaza of the mall on a Sunday at 8:00 pm: Prize Bs 1,000, oo cash and not consumption required.
As in all previous awards, were given several turns of the hype before the girl proceeded to pull the bill last night. Take the girl an invoice and the event moderator or speaker hesitates before saying the name of the winner. Exchanged some words with an assistant, and proclaims to be out another bill, touted as the winning prize of Bs 1,000, oo and that night he won a prize of 60.00 Bs and "according to the regulations, unable to participate for another award (sic). Hurray! I say, what blunder! He added that to avoid discomfort , would not say who was the lucky one (I'd rather unfortunate) winner that he (along with the assistant) had decided (without any detours) disqualify.
The fact that the approach was absurd from every point of view, because the only regulation that exists is one that is published. Ie 4 or 5 terms that appear in the promotional poster and which obviously all the winners of that night had to meet (being over 18 years, when the bill the previous day and be present at the time of the draw .) In the promotional poster or no mention of the famous little words that are always present microscopic print in any document of doubtful good intentions. I mean those of "the entrant agrees that recognizes and understands the rules governing this contest and bla bla bla" it is obvious that there is no extension of the regulation.

I thought he was going to be that of San Quentin, as though the announcer say that I would not say the name, fell to mature than the winner (now declared loser) was one of the 3 people who had just been rewarded with a prize of just 60.00 Bs forced consumption, rewards those that did not appear nowhere in the contest rules, if strict ourselves or is exquisite. Perhaps because the Venezuelan and is well used to abuse any authority or institution of it, no one raised their voice to demand angrily to what was obviously a brazen plunder, not to mention words like deception, fraud or theft. He proceeded to take another bill and, fortunately for the physical integrity of the speaker, the new winner of Bs 1,000, oo was not one of the 3 people who had been dispatched Olympian with a prize of 60.00 Bs obliged consumption the area of \u200b\u200bfood and the way they had just learned (by an improvised rules taken from the manga) that disqualify them as Pyrrhic prize for choosing the only true prize offered on the poster. The experience
helped me KBULLÍN lecture about the ethics of traders and the treatment which should provide the client (which stubbornly refuse to give) but then cry that sales are not going well. KBULLÍN not understand why a person had been disqualified by the mere fact that he had won another award. I did not understand what was wrong. The only bad thing son, they said, is the lack of principles and values \u200b\u200bof the mall owners or persons in which delegated the responsibility for the conduct of the competition. Everyone has a Intute knowledge of them, but nobody is governed by such standards of righteousness. I explained to KBULLÍN as far as I could see, the only guidelines or limitations to participate, were established in the promotional poster and forth (right in the contest) to cite the existence of a supposedly more comprehensive regulation, was not at all successful. That was not the time to come disqualify someone with an argument that can be well into a "live" (read: cheating) but not to a group of people rather than to represent themselves, actually representing the company . I could not then explain in language more appropriate to their age, why the winner disqualified. The most I managed to say at his insistence, was, because they felt like son. Because I felt like it. And the reality is this. Once again, THE KBULLA was witness the mistreatment and abuse they undergo customers of any retailer in Venezuela.
I understand that the competition created by the mall (and regulation thereof) aim to encourage and increase consumption of the people who come to the shop, so it is paradoxical indeed come from those responsible for this contest Sunday night. Yes, breaking the laws of probability, a person won 2 times that night, there was no reason to disqualify, but rather taking it as an example. Because if that person won 2 times, it was only because the lady luck smiled at him just twice, but because that person introduced at least 2 invoices in the hype . That is, that person did what the mall owners sought to promote competition blessed: to increase the consumption of visitors to the mall to offer a daily prize of Bs 1,000, oo. And increase your intake, to introduce more bills in the hype , that allowed the winner (awkward and arbitrarily disqualified) have more chance of winning. There is nothing illegal in the conduct of the double winner of that night, because that's what I was looking for the mall management. Visitors to consume and consume with the hope of winning the million.
But that night had the responsibility to conduct the contest, did not see well. Free advertising they could get a chance evidently made was something that let pass by. Are they, as responsible for the promotion it needs and seeks the mall in these times, they threw away an opportunity that was of little glasses. Instead of babbling, and be hesitant to ask a girl who just begins to live, silver temples announcer should say he had made a really strange situation: the first prize winner was one of the winners of the 3 previous awards. What the public saw that looked good, as by increasing its purchases or consumption, one person had succeeded in winning for the second time that night and done so with the award of Bs 1,000, oo. Then you know (it could have added the discouraging) the more consumed, the more purchases made, the more chances of winning, as has just happened with the double lucky winner tonight.
Sad, but enlightening experience, lived in the city center KBULLÍN COMMERCIAL Staph 2 Sunday night, March 8.

be seen how quickly customers think to get me through the day you make the car lot that have not yet begun to advertise. Will you show ghosts previous awards? Whoever wins one of those previous awards, would not be access the jackpot? Is it really come to realize the drawing of the truck or be suspended for lack of sufficient procurement, given the crisis that is looming on the horizon very soon? Do you worry about staff ALTAVISTA BUSINESS DOWNTOWN 2 to process the permits corresponding to the INDECU, INDEPABIS or come to be called at that time the institute to protect consumers from promotions, offers, deals and misleading advertising?
Or just held a competition outside the law, as it seems it is being held this contest, and that no part of the promotion and display advertising may be the famous prayer from ADVISED TO PROMOTE INDEPABIS.
Tags: ccc altavista 2 , macrocentro 2 , orinokia mall, shopping , promotions sweepstakes contests prizes improvisation negligence irresponsible misleading dishonest customer service values \u200b\u200b ethical principles Ciudad Guayana, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Calories In Vegetable Noodles Stir Fry
Interviewed by TVE around reinvindicaciones conquests achieved by women in English society, the lady came and said:
I can see that this lady has had the heads of men whose training and capacity conflicts with the common sense notion that we all have about the hierarchy of positions in the workplace.
Tags: International Women's Day , equality, social equality , legal equality, Venezuela